A Welcomed Return

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Based of the scene from Transformers Dark Of The Moon. Everyone else is the same as they are in the movies, except Peter. Doesn't have any powers, he does have his web shooters though. Both Wanda and Aunt May have been taken by the Decepticons and Dylan.

It had been a few hours since the Autobots were killed on their ship, the Xantium. Turns out Starscream had been in the Atmosphere waiting, waiting for them to be defenceless. Peter had watched in horror as his friends blew up. He felt hopeless as he thought about his girlfriend Wanda and his Aunt May. Who were in captivity by the Decepticons and their human operative . Dylan Gould.

As Peter and the remaining Avengers arrived in Chicago, they watched as innocent children ran pass them. They exited-or in Steves and Buckys case got off-their vehicles as Tony walked up the remains of a building.

All of them were tense and were extremely in edge, so it wasn't to their surprise that they all jumped when two F-22 Raptors flew by. Natasha even aimed her two pistols. They all watched in horror, as two Decepticon ships shot them out of the sky with a couple of shots.

Peters breathing quickened, his fear of not seeing Wanda or May ever again increased as he regained his composure. Natasha placed her hand on his shoulder and he could see the look of fear on her face.

"My God. We came here to find them in the middle of all that?" Tony asked Peter as the Team looked at the teen, who felt loss. He was only nineteen and thought this was all his fault.

"Are we really going out there, Steve?" Bucky asked his friend, who looked at Tony. Who shook his head.

"No one's going in." Rhodey said for Tony. Who, was now coming off the wall, looking pale.

Peter glared at them all. Anger filling him up as he felt a determination he hadn't felt since losing his uncle. Were they really going to give up so quickly. "I am. With or without you, I'll find them." He looked at his web-shooters on his wrists, before gripped his backpack as he walked forward. Towards the death and destruction, much to their horror.

"You're gonna get yourself killed, Peter. Is that what you want?" Natasha loudly said as she walked after Peter, the others watching as she went into protective mother mode. Something she only showed around Peter and Wanda. She then pulled Peters back pack off, causing him to look at her. "Is that what you want? You came all the way out here to get yourself killed? Listen to what I'm saying."

"They're here because of me. Do you understand?" Peter snapped, ripping the bag from her and carried on walking.

"Listen, even if you go into this building, that's if they're even still alive, there's no way you're gonna be able to reach them!" Natasha explained. As much as it pained her to say it or think it. The possibility of Wanda and May, being alive was slim.

"What do you suggest I do, Nat? Two of the three women who mean everything to me are held prisoner. I've already lost my Mom, Dad and Uncle. I'm not losing them too!" Peter exclaimed, looking at her. Everyone looked at Peter in shock. Never had they seen him lose his cool. Natasha looked at the young man who, she saw as her own. Her eyes filling with tears as she placed her hand on his cheek.

"It's over. I'm sorry, but it's over." Natasha said as a couple of tears escaped. Peter wiped away those tears as he put on a brace face, something they all admired about him. His never give up attitude. No wonder Wanda fell in love with him. Tony thought with a sad smile.

"No, it's not." Peter smiled at Natasha.

Bucky quickly aimed his gun as he spotted a Decepticon ship flying at them. WHOA WHOA WHOA! INCOMING!" He yelled as he opened fire, as did Sam.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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