*Part 22*

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Livs pov

I log onto discord and get in a call with George, Alex, Jordan and James, we begin talking while we wait for Will to join.

"Will just texted me and said he'll be two minutes" James read from his phone.

"Alright I'm just gonna set up my stuff then while we wait" I reply while deafening.

I load up OBS on my other monitor which I probably should've done earlier and prepared my camera before loading up minecraft so it didn't take ages to load on. I undeafen after about five minutes to see Will is here.

"Okay hello, is everyone ready?" Will asks.

We all reply with a string of yes' and begin recording turning on hour cameras and recording our streams.

"Right hello! Welcome back to another eboys video, today we are playing minecraft with LivStunts and Mr. Jordanscott!"

"Hello!" I put my voice right up to the mic.

"You're hurting my ears" Jordan complained.

"Anyway today we are going into a new world and they are going to get us the W and beat the ender dragon"

I look up to the camera and back down at my monitor "I've never defeated the ender dragon" I confess.

"What?" George asks.

"Wait" Alex laughs "So you're tell me we have got you on here to help us beat the game and you have never done it yourself?"

"Yep" I nod.

"Well what the fuck are meant to do now then?" Wil complains his voices going high.

"Its fine because Jordan can play the game very well"

"Yes I'm not shit unlike you Liv" Jordan smirked

"No swearing" I joke.


"Anyway we are going to get into the game so you guys can join now" James announced.

We all loaded in and I began destroying wood and making stone tools for everyone.

"Right so do you wanna build a house or...?" I ask shrugging.

"No liv we are here to kill the dragon not build a cute house" Jordan scoffs.

"Oh yeah I forgot"

V I D E O • H I G H L I G H T S

"So you know when two sheep's shag in minecraft and one is red and one is white does that mean that you get a pink baby?" Will asks.

"What's a shag?" Jordan asks.

We all burst into laughter, I knew what the word 'shag' meant as I had watched a lot of British YouTube when I was younger so I got very familiar with their vocabulary.

James laughed trying to get words "For fucks sake man"


"If you could be any type of animal what would you be?" I ask.

"Um probably a parrot" George answers.

"That's the shittest possible answer ever George"

"No it's not James!" I interrupt "If you think about it parrots can fly and shit they have a ton of friends in the jungle or whatever and their wings are sick colours what more could you want in life?"

"Exactly!" George shouts.


"We are fucked" Jordan sighs.

"Why" Alex chuckles while hitting George with a stick.

"Fuck off Alex!"

"This is why, we're gonna be here all night"


"Jordan help me, I'm scared of the nether" I whine.

"How are you scared of the nether?" Will asks.

"I don't like the wither skeletons"

"That's a fair point, to be fair" James agreed "They are scary"

"You two are right pussies" Will insulted us.

"I know right, get a grip" Jordan huffed"


"I FOUND THE DUNGEON" Alex shouted.

"Fucking finally" Will muttered under his breath.

"Alright now we gotta find the portal" Jordan informed us.

"I've already found it" I respond.

"What the fuck, how?" George asks surprised.

"I dunno just went through a door and it was here"

"Fair enough, let's go then" Jordan said.


"Wait, fuck" I realised i had my anger management session in 15 minutes.

"What is it?" Jordan asks.

"I have my anger management thing in 15 minutes"

"Are you taking the piss?" Will laughs.

"No I'm being serious I've gotta go in five minutes can we hurry up and kill this thing"

"Yeah hurry up then we are waiting on you" Jordan complained.

"Okay I'm coming through now"


"WOOO!!" Cheers erupted in the call as experience fell from the dragons dissolving corpse and we began collecting it.

"That's the first time I've done that and the last time I will be doing it" I stretch while leaving the game.

"Alright then, thanks for watching this eboys video!" Will did the outro "Don't forget to subscribe to this channel aswell as our podcast channel which you should definitely check out"

"Also our main channels" James interrupted.

"Yes the main channels and of course Jordan and Livs channels"

"Byeeee!!!" I wave to the camera before stopping recording and turning my camera off.

E N D • O F • V I D E O

"Alright I've gotta go now but I'll send the footage over as soon as I get back" I let them know.

"Alright sound" George replied "Just send it when ever you can"

"Right I've got to go now" I leave the call after getting goodbyes from everyone else in the call.

I put on my shoes and quickly grab my coat heading downstairs to where my dad was sitting waiting for me.

"Come one let's go!" He exclaimed too excitedly.

"Jeez dad calm down" I groan.

"Ugh, gosh Liv lighten up" he rolls his eyes playfully.


Also if you enjoy dsmp stories I have a few on my profile that could be interesting for you so enjoy!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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