*Part 6*

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Livs pov

We arrived home and I normally don't get nervous but for some reason when I had to talk about myself it's like I was a whole new different person. I knew there was no escaping so I gave in and just sat at the table with my mom and dad.

I sigh "Can we please just get on with this"

"Yes we are now" My mom replies while pulling out a binder.

"Oh my god" I complain.

"You're mom has spent a lot of time on this so don't be rude" My dad ordered.

"Okay lets just get this over and done with" I look at the ceiling.

My mom opens the first page "So first we need to talk about the drugs and drinking"

I put my hands on my laps "Well this is gonna be great"

My dad interrupts "Sorry babe lets just get right into this" He puts the binder to the side "So you got anything now?"

"No" I look at the floor.

"You're lying" He pointed "Where are they?"

"I'm not lying!" I lie again "I swear on Macs life!"

"Okay fine next question passed over to Amy"

"So how are you feeling?" She asked.

"Ughhh , you know I hate talking about my feelings!" I groan.

"Yes but this is important"

"Schools important but I hate it! What's your point?"

"We are just making sure you are okay and everything , making sure you don't feel like-" He stalls.

"Okay you guys are clearly tryna hide something from me just say it" I demand.

"Okay fine , we booked you back in with Ms. Halford and with another therapist so you can talk"

I stand up "No! No I'm not going back there!" I kick a chair.

"Come on give it a try!" Dad begs.

"No , I'm going upstairs so see ya when we go to Rosas"

I run upstairs and check my phone to see the fight video all over instagram, snapchat and twitter. People were asking me to address it so I decided to go on instagram live and explain what happened.

I turned on the live and viewers became flooding in "So obviously you guys are here to ask what happened with this fight so I'm gonna address it before rumours start rushing around"

I pause "I'm only saying this once so someone screen record this or whatever , so basically I was walking through the corridors of school when the girl who I'm not going to name taps me on the shoulder and congratulates me on my charity stream so I thanked her and walked away obviously but then" I pause once again "she said 'and congratulations on giving up drugs and alcohol, I didn't think it was a impulsive decision just to jump for her as I many people don't know I have anger issues so it kinda links off that"

"And I don't usually talk about my life but the drugs and alcohol she mentions was true , for the past few months I haven't been feeling great so I kinda used that to get away from it all. I am now getting help for it from my family and friends" I sigh "I just want to let anyone who's watching that there is so many people you can talk to including me , if you are ever feeling like this my instagram messages are always open as well as my snapchat. You guys are not alone and it will get better"

"I am now answering questions so please drop them down below and I'll try my best to answer them!"

I read through the comments there is many positive ones and some negatives such as :

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