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Tom's POV

My morning was normal and boring as perusal. I woke up and showered, making sure I had everything I needed before heading over to Ciara's.

I swiftly climbed up the tree that was outside her window like many times before. I pulled out some snacks and watched her as she slept. Eventually her seven o'clock alarm went off, signalling for her to get ready. She forced herself out of bed and checked her phone before slowly leaving her room.

Between the time that she left my sight, which was forty-five minutes ago, till now she had eaten and gotten ready entirely for school other than getting dressed. Ciara came back into her room with a towel wrapped around her. Right as she unwrapped her body I looked away.

I refuse to see her naked without her consent, I am not a creep.

According to her morning routine on previous days it takes her about 16.7 seconds on average to get her undergarments on as well as a top and bottoms. So I waited and soon enough I heard the sound of her front door opening. I took that as a sign to collect my things and leave.

Today my blossom wore a long sleeve black V-neck with light wash jeans. She paired the outfit with black vans once again. Her hair was pulled back into a low ponytail.

You may be wondering why I called her blossom, well her favourite tree is a cherry blossom (also known as a Sakura tree) so I call her blossom sometimes.

Ciara walked through the courtyard of our school, waving to those that she knew. I kept a close eye on her until she walked into her math class. Today I had math as well so lucky me I get to see my princess.

The first hour of class was boring, I just sat in silence and did my work other than occasionally looking at Ciara. Eventually the teacher announced that we'd be allowed to sit by whoever we wanted for the remainder of the class period.

A few minutes had passed, I had assumed everyone choose their friends to sit by so I was surprised when a chair screeched next to me.

I looked over for a split second and saw Ciara taking a seat, she must think I'm someone else.

"Hey." She tapped my arm, I looked at her with wide eyes.

"Sorry um I-I just need some help." She stuttered, my actions must have caused her to become nervous.

My goodness she is even more gorgeous up close, "With what?"

"What did you get for number five? I don't understand it." Her voice was laced with embarrassment.

"Well it is fairly simple Ciara, how do you not understand?"

She's intelligent, why is she not acting like it?

"How do you know my name?" She questioned nervously.

I could've made up a lie and said something school-related but I didn't,
"Do not worry about that, what did you need help with?"

She cleared her throat, "Well it says 2x^2-6x-4=0 quadratic formula but I just don't understand what that means or solve it."

"You simply find the common factors which are 2 𝑥 2 − 6 𝑥 − 4 = 0 and
2 x 2 − 6 x − 4 = 0."

"Then you move onto dividing both sides of the equation by the same term which are 2 ( 𝑥 2 − 3 𝑥 − 2 ) = 0 times two so evidently it would be 2(x2−3x−2)=0 𝑥 2 − 3 𝑥 − 2 = 0."

"Use the quadratic formula and simplify, meaning you would evaluate the exponent, multiply the number and add the numbers."

"From there you would separate the equations, one with a plus and one with a minus then solve."

"Rearrange and isolate the variable to find each solution."

She looked at me with adoration, "Did that help?" I questioned.

"Yes thank you- uh sorry I didn't get your name."


She nods, "Tom."

Why did she repeat my name?

"Thank you Tom." She smiled, saying my name for the third time. She drives me absolutely crazy.

She fucking smiled.

"No worries I am always here, always." She nods slowly, turning her attention to the teacher who began speaking once again.

A few minutes later class ended so as one does I began to pack away my things. I looked back up to find Ciara gone. I left the room and looked around the halls for her, why did she leave without saying goodbye?

My eyes locked on her, I quickly realized a guy was trying to speak with her. Somehow I recognized him, his name is Nate. Ciara was putting her books in her locker, paying him no mind. He reached out and touched her arm.

My body immediately twitched at the sight I must get rid of him.


I was extremely upset that I couldn't make sure Ciara got home safely. Truthfully I could have but I needed to make sure Nate would not become a problem.

I waited until he was walking alone to corner him, "Excuse me?"

He turned around, his face showed slight confusion before he realized it was me, "Oh hi, Tom right?"

I nod, "Hey buddy what's up?" He asked with a bright smile.

"I would like to meet with you after school." I said quite casually.

"Uh okay send me the details." He turned to walk away.

"No need, just meet me in the first-floor bathroom."

He stopped and looked at me again, "Alright I'll see you later then..." I noticed he was confused but he was still complying, good boy.


The end of the day could not have came any slower. I had finally finished my classes and made my way to the men's bathroom on the first floor.

I walked in quietly, making direct eye contact with Nate as I entered.

"Hey Tom what's this abou-" I covered his mouth and shoved him into the stall beside me.

I pushed him down on his knees, leaning over him with my feet planted steadily as I shoved his head into the toilet. His arms and legs moved any way that they could to try and escape me as he panicked. He tried to get out of my hold but couldn't, how pathetic.

Does he really think that Ciara wants a weak man to stand by her side?

Finally he stopped fighting, letting the water fill his lungs. He got what he deserved.

After I got rid of the body I got rid of all the evidence that could connect me to him, which wasn't much but still. I left no trace of what I had done.

I wasn't surprised that I felt no remorse or sadness, actually I felt almost nothing at this moment.

All I know and care about is that she belongs to me.

Word count: 1150

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