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Quinn had come over. Midge wanted whatever conversation they had to be in person. Quinn wore her pajamas, and her hair was damp. She took a pull from Midge's blunt.

With her mother and Daryl asleep downstairs, Midge felt more comfortable, though her blunt also helped.

"So, what do you wanna talk about?"

Midge took a deep breath, "Everything."

Quinn passed the blunt, "Okay. Let's talk about everything."

The two sat in silence, music playing softly from the speaker in the corner.

"Why didn't you call anybody? Why did you just go silent?"

Quinn laid back, staring at the ceiling, "I don't know."

Midge sat up, "What do you mean?"
"I mean," Quinn stopped mid-sentence, gathering her thoughts, "I guess, I saw moving away as an opportunity to try again I guess. To be someone else. I wasn't trying to lose contact, it just happened. That's why I came back, I want to try to fix things with everyone, especially you."

Midge sat for a moment, she looked at the girl laying next to her. The girl that she had known for years, the girl who had abandoned her.

"That doesn't make what you did okay. You really hurt me, Quinn."

Quinn took another drag from the blunt, "You're right, it doesn't. But you gotta remember that we were 13 Midge. You really think I just wanted to up and move? To leave everything and everyone I knew? No. I didn't. But I was a kid, a kid who had no control over what was happening. And since you've brought it up, you keep mentioning how I never called anyone, but did it ever occur to you to call me? To reach out to me?"

Midge scoffed, "I shouldn't have to go out of my way to talk to you."

Quinn sucked her teeth, "Fine. But don't get pissed at me for not doing anything, you don't know what I had going on-"

"Probably because you never tell me shit, Quinn. You always keep stuff to yourself, but then wonder why nothing ever works out."

Midge took the blunt and snuffed it, sat cross legged next to Quinn, who was now sitting up.

"There's some stuff that I just don't wanna share, is that wrong?"

Midge scoffed, "It is when that stuff involves basically our whole ass childhood. You abandoned me."

"Me? What about you? What about the fact that you left Angus and Jax behind?"

Midge bit her lip, "It's not my fault. They went off to do their own shit."

Quinn sighed, "Yeah! Because they are adults. They have responsibilities. What, do you think everyone is gonna drop everything for you?"

Midge furrowed her brows, "You can't talk about me when you haven't been around for five years."

Quinn balled her fists, "Maybe. But at least Jax called!"

The room went silent. It was true. She'd always told everyone that she hadn't kept contact, but she had, with Jax at least.

Midge blinked in confusion, "You talked to Jax while you were away?"

Quinn huffed, "Yeah. On and off for a few months. We texted occasionally, but after a while stuff got busy. We didn't talk until I came back."

Midge balled her fists, "So you kept in contact with Jax, but not me?"

Quinn bit her lip, "It's- it's more complicated than that."

"How?! Explain," Midge was on the verge of yelling, she of course, tried to keep herself calm, so as not to wake up her mother.

Quinn exhaled, "I genuinely did forget to call you guys, then one day I got a call from Jax. Our calls and texts were sparse, we didn't talk much, because we were both busy. I did ask about you, I told him to tell you to call me. But, he said that you were busy, and upset with me."

Midge scoffed, "Why didn't you call me?"

"Because. He said you'd gotten a new number that he didn't know, because apparently you split from the group."

Midge stood, "So, you're saying it's my fault? That I'm the reason our friend group split?"

Quinn groaned, "No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that it makes no sense that you're holding this grudge, when one: you changed your number. Even if I hadn't gotten so busy with everything going on, calling you would've meant nothing because your number would've been different. Two: I have a life. Jax and Angus have lives. We've all got our own shit going on, and you can't just get upset when we can't drop everything for you, or when shit happens that we can't control."

Midge pursed her lips, "I'm not asking you to do that. I've never asked you to do that. Ever. All I wanted, all I've ever wanted, was for us to be the way we were. We used to do everything together, all the time. Then Jax, Angus, and Casey came along, and you were always with them, it was like I had no place with my own best friend anymore."

Quinn's eyes widened, "That's why you were mad back then? Because you were jealous? Midge-"

"Look," Midge could feel the hot sting of tears welling up in her eyes, "I didn't have any other friends, and I didn't fit in with Jax and Angus. Casey and I got along after a while, but that didn't happen until maybe like a year and a half before he left."

Quinn stood up as well, "Okay, maybe that was the case, but if we were such 'best friends,' why didn't you tell me how you felt? All you did was shut me out, and isolate yourself. Like you always do."

Midge was crying now. But why? Well, she was upset, that much she knew, but what was she upset with? She didn't know, nor did she care much at that moment, "You know what? I'm done. I don't wanna do this anymore."

Quinn huffed, "See? You're doing it again. Shutting down, and shutting me out."

"Just go, Quinn."

Quinn didn't speak as she grabbed her jacket. She gave Midge one last look before leaving. An aura of loneliness and anxiety hung in the air.

Midge let the tears fall, mini rivers flowing from her eyes, she'd cried before, but not like this.

The tears flowed and flowed until Midge felt like her eye sockets were dry.

It wasn't supposed to go like this. She only wanted to have a simple talk with Quinn, not a whole argument. There was so much to process, for starters, Quinn had lied. She lied about keeping in contact with everyone, she'd talked to Jax. Why wouldn't she just say that?

Then there was everything about Midge changing her number, which was true, but.

But what?

Quinn was right.

When Midge changed her number, she hadn't told anyone, not Casey, not Jax, not Angus, and not Quinn.

Midge looked at her phone, it was almost one o' clock. She laid back on her pillow, taking deep breaths, she could still smell the familiar smell of Quinn's coconut scented shampoo.


Her sleep had been rocky, no dreams, just black.

Midge was tired, too tired to get up, too tired to deal with Daryl's shit.

"Maddie, make sure my eggs are done right. Last time, ya made 'em too runny."

"Sure thing hun."

Midge scoffed, "Make em your fucking self. Fatass."


"Listen here little bitch-"


Midge stood, "Try me old man. I fucking dare you."

Daryl stood, "I'm sick of your disrespect."

"I'm sick of you! You and your shit."

Daryl laughed, "See Maddie? I told ya. She ain't stable."

Maddie sighed, "Midge please, just, go, to school, or just anywhere, just leave."

"The hell?? You're gonna take his side," Midge yelled.

"I ain't takin' sides, but it's too early for all of this, just go and cool off."

Midge looked over to Daryl, who was smiling smugly. She said nothing, just grabbing her jacket and storming out of the house, slamming the door behind her.

Quinn's Woods (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now