From Control to Charm

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"How was the funeral baby?" He asks with a voice gravelly calm.

"It was fantastic, Honey." I eye the gun that's lying next to his hand and can only think of how I could shoot him in the sack with no questions asked, though it still wouldn't compare to the hurt I feel from his betrayal. My pulse begins to elevate from fury.

"I hope you lose that attitude." He leans forward in his chair, grabbing a match to light the cigar that is wedged firmly between his teeth. He points the match toward me before striking it; slowly moving it side to side in disapproval; He isn't pleased with me.

I watch his every move for a moment; Completely focusing on him and only him. He breaks eye contact to gaze at the fire that now lights his cigar. He's in deep thought; Only God knows what is going on behind those deep brown eyes. I watch his lips as he slowly inhales; The cigar shortening with every hit he takes. The sound of it sizzling as the fire makes its way down the cigar echoes throughout the quiet room. The windows become a victim to the smoke he blows from his lips in a uniformed fashion. Everything about tonight feels different. Things are changing; I'm changing. My eyes focus back on him and I notice he's scanning my face.

"You know baby, you have a great life- a blessed life even. You should really start to act grateful for all of this." He speaks from behind his cigar. His fingers intertwine and find a comfortable spot behind his neck to rest. "Do you realize how many broads would be grateful to be in the spot you're in? It's a good thing I love ya, Kitten." He says these words behind a wicked smile.

I lean over his desk, planting my palms firmly on the surface. "Hey, Honey?" I ask in a soft, sultry tone, ensuring I reflect a smile to match his.

He leans back a tad in his seat and rests his hands on his knees, leaving the cigar exposed and hanging from his lips. He raises his brow; I can see his wheels turning in his mind and his excitement grow as I further myself on his desk. I reach over and caress his cheek with the backs of my fingers. The stubble from his beard is sharp; it feels like small thorns piercing my ivory skin. I hear him groan as I gently make my way to his chin- His eyes never moving from mine. I smile as I take my thumb and run it across his lip before snatching the cigar from his mouth and tossing it out of the window behind him. I grip his chin with my right hand while still holding myself up with my left.

"You're going to respect me, Frankie Giuliani. I'll ensure of it." I slide off the desk, pulling my dress down to a respectable length. I turn back to face him. His body in the exact position he was in; Though frozen and untouched. "And you're also going to learn to watch your fucking mouth." I head to the door, as I've had enough of Honey's shit for tonight. However, I'm fully aware of the risk I just put myself in. I grab the handle and begin to turn the doorknob to exit his office when I hear shuffling. I'm unable to turn quick enough when I realize he has rushed from behind the desk after me. I feel a firm grasp on my arm and find his hand wrapped around it, pulling my entire body to him.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" He asks as more-so a confirmation of my actions and not an actual question. His fingertips turn white from the grip he has firmly placed on my arm. I attempt to retract it, but I'm unsuccessful.

"You heard exactly what I said, Honey" I edge closer to him; His grip tightening. "You've said it yourself time and time again, I have nothing else to live for. So, the next time you fuck up, you don't need to be worrying about dealers, the DEA, or rival families looking to end you. Oh no sweetheart, you're going to have to worry about me. And I promise you, there's nothing more dangerous than a woman who knows every way to pleasure you-." I push myself against his body, making my lips touch his as I speak. "But also, who knows every angle to destroy you and everything that brings you pleasure." I pull my arm away from him. He doesn't seem to notice as he's just standing like a statue though reflecting a confused, but somewhat intrigued expression.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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