Chaewon's not really in the mood to do anything for their business right now but if it's their staff getting mistreated or worse, harassed?

She'll do everything she can just to get them justice.

Soohyung started walking ahead of Chaewon as soon as she placed down the tray she was holding,

Losing the weight she was once holding meant that her speed was at its limits already,

And since she too is scared of losing her job right as she got introduced to the owner's daughter a couple of days into her new work,

She hopes whatever she is about to do will do all of them good.

"She said to tab her and her friend's orders because her mom own's the place"

"Her mom?"

Her voice's tone raising on itself to hear such a dumb reason why someone's being a b*tch inside their resto right now,

Is making Chaewon more irritated on the fact that someone has the audacity to forge an identity that's not going to exist as long as she's here.


Soohyung looked back at Chaewon as she bowed her head slightly to show some formality in answering her before she gets to be the next person Chaewon's going to fight with,

And with that mixed with Chaewon's ongoing bad day,

Was the start of another 'mishandled' misunderstanding by Chaewon.

"Her mom huh? Let's see if my mom has another kid other than me and my brother"

"As I was saying, just write it down on my name since my mom will know that I ate here as soon as I go home"

"We really can't do that ma'am"

"Why not?!"

Before the young lady could attempt to throw the clip board she was holding straight into Martin's face,

Chaewon stopped right behind him with Soohyung just right behind,

The girl showing her cold looking resting b*tch face as she listened to their conversation,

She just couldn't handle any more of this nonsense when she clearly knows that she has never seen this girl before in her whole life.

"Since we all know that Lee Ran Hee only has one daughter in her household?"

"And who are you? Some kind of dish washer my mom hired?"

Her attempt to leave a pretty big bill on their name she and her friends somehow managed to spend from the things in their menu,

Chaewon looked at her friends to see them actually looking quite embarrassed right now that this is happening,

She thinks they were just dragged here by her due to her fake ass life she's been trying to 'boast' of when she's around them.

"Huh, she's not giving up isn't she?"

A singular look at their bill, the table they were once sitting at and the girl's face,

She just knew that she's really not stepping back from this, it even looks like she was the one who ordered most of what's listed in their bill,

It just entertains her how much she's doing just to get this free meal for her and her not so close friends,

Yhings like this brings the spice into Chaewon's life on a daily basis so she's definitely not just gonna say yes with what she wants to happen.

"No, see here I'm Kim Chaewon"

Through Sunsets and MidnightsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz