r e s t a u r a n t

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Avni awkwardly shifted on her feet, standing in front of counter of the restaurant, Neil was beside her his mouth was covered with a scarf and his head lowered so his face was under the shadow of the cap, she glanced at him to see him looking around the slightly darkened room, there were only five tables four of them parallel to each other, and one in the corner.

Two tables were occupied and they both were the fronts one luckily, "Um. . .we can seat at the corner one, thereafter serving of food you will be able to remove your scarf and eat peacefully," she whispered, Neil nodded, she walked ahead taking place against the wall so that he could sit in front of her and only his back profile will be visible to others.

There was a little amount of silence as they settled, Avni liked the silence but when it was between her and her idol, it made her unsure, did he want her to make conversation? Was he uncomfortable?

Neil lowered his scarf slightly, he smiled, "You brought change to today's performance," he said, his eyes bright, she could see curiosity lined in them, "I have seen the other performance you have never done that before,"

"Yeah, I never felt the need too," she replied.

"So what changed?"
Avni smiled, she made sure her voice was stable before speaking, "Nothing really, Ajab feels me with warmness when I used to sing along to it, I don't know why but I always in end repeated Ajab tha woh pyaar, it felt like reminiscing a epic romance, I wanted to show people what I heard and felt while listening to it I'm just glad it was not a disaster,"

"You really did manage to put your feelings in the performance, it was beautiful especially when you did the change that was a surprise for me too,"

It was hard for Avni to believe Neil was had complimented her performance and when she did, she could not help the smile on her face, "Thank you," she whispered.

Before they could speak further, a waiter arrived, they ordered the food they wanted. "So you are at the university right now?" Neil asked.

"Yes, last year,"

"You are the same age as my Ali and Karan," He commented, Avni smiled, "I'm February born, I'm older than them few months," she told him, proudly.

Neil smiled, "February? Same month as Vidhyut?"

"Yes! Sharing birthday month with Vidhyut is my biggest achievement as a Phenomenal fan," she gushed, her smiles widens when he smiles, his dimple visible.

"What are you studying at University?"

Avni bit her lips,"Business, I'm not really sure what I want to do but I'm leaning towards the Marketing/Promotional field," he looked surprised by her reply, "You are not studying Music?" He asked, she shook her head.

"No, I love music and playing the piano but I don't think I can't see myself working in that stream," she explained, "Originally Music Producer always sounded tempting to me but honestly I don't know now," she admitted, first time in her life, she had talked aloud about being a Music producer and that too in front of a guy who knew numbers of amazing music producers.

For heaven's sake, he was best friend with a best one. Vidhyut was a producer, one of the greatest one in Indian music industry.

She felt so embarrassed.

"I know that idea is ridiculous, therefore I took--"

"It's not ridiculous," he interrupted her, his face soft, "Avni I think that's a brilliant idea, the way you managed to maintain the change in today's performance, the way you have played earlier, I don't think it's ridiculous you have your way with music,"

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