Chapitre Six : Soie blanche et doré noyaux

Start from the beginning

"Dear Fùqin, who lives here?"

"Someone I respected the most."

They then reached a wooden door that was heavily seald. Upon opening it they saw a man who had long hair that was meditating in the middle of the locked area.

"Former Heavenly Emperor, Jun Wu."

The man opened his eyes and immediately Wei Ying took note of his ever so beautiful black obsidian eyes.

"Nianqing, Xianle... What brings you here to see me?"

Jun Wu took notice of the figure who stood between the two adults.

"And who might this young master be?"

His smile as soft as cotton and as warm as fire.

"This young master greets you! I'm Wei Ying!"

"This is my son, My Lord."

"Your son?"

"Yes, we have adopted him."

Jun Wu let out a breath and continued to smile.

"May I hold him?"

Wei Ying looked at Xie Lian who just nodded his head with a smile. Wei Ying painted a smile on his face as he made his way towards the man in silver robes. Jun Wu took him by the hand.

"You look just like Xian Le, but why do you feel like resentful energy?"

"He's a mortal, My Lord. He just has this strange ability to control and harness resentful energy."

"So you say he can use both spiritual energy and resentful?"

"Yes Guóshī, he has many abilities that I will tell later on. The purpose of our visit is for My Lord to teach my darling to use his spiritual energy."

"You could've asked me to teach him."

"Guóshī, no offence but I feel like you'll just strike him dead."

"Tsk. Babying is the least thing I want to do."

Jun Wu chuckled as he landed his gaze on the child who had his eyes locked on his own.

"What is the matter little one? Is there something on my face?"

A hand landed on his cheek as Wei Ying continues looking into his eyes.

"You're kind if look like my A-diē"

Wei Ying scoffed and let go of Jun Wu's face. Xie Lian knew Wei Ying was talking about his biological father.

"Well, that's an honor then."


Wei Ying just smiled humbly at the man in front of him.

"Me and Xianle will have a chat just outside, I'll place my trust in you of taking care of the child, your highness."

"I will never hurt such precious being."

Xie Lian let out a smile before leaving with Mei Nianqing.

"Sit down right here."

Wei Ying did so.

"Remember what I will teach you, okay?"

"Mhm! I will!"

Jun Wu smiled as he took the fan.

"Let's start with this first."

Jun Wu teached Wei Ying how to channel his spiritual energy throughout his body. He also thought him how to apply it to various objects. Teaching him other things that are much more complex but he was more than amazed on the quick learning capacity Wei Ying had. Much like Xie Lian, he was talented, but with the skills of Hua Cheng in some areas of teaching. After said teaching time, Xie Lian came back in and saw Wei Ying who had talismans in hand.

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