Chapter 34

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The foster mother came upstairs the next morning, startling Zane's head from Joseph's chest. She turned away to look at the wall as Zane struggled from the blankets, careful not to wake Joseph, who had not noticed her come in. She chuckled.

He had found out her name was Marlene, and she had taken care of hundreds of foster kids throughout her life. This house had been her home since she was a girl, and she continued to use it as a foster home so the kids she took in could experience what she had. Even in a perfect world free of climate change and poverty, still human beings abandoned their children. But when they did in London, Marlene was there, ready to take them in. Zane figured the category of unwanted children included him now. It wasn't a great feeling.

Her face was aged and wrinkled, but she was still a beautiful woman. Auburn hair flowed down past her shoulders, a soft color in contrast to Daisy and Anastasia's. Her eyes were a gentle and tender hazel and were filled with compassion and apology. She carried a tray with two cups of tea. "I've already visited your friends," she said, her voice soft as not to wake Joseph. "They told me of your... predicament."

Zane understood why they had told Marlene. She was very easy to talk to, much like Joseph said Zane was. He wanted to tell her everything he ever remembered, have her tell him it was all okay. He wanted her to be the mother he'd never really had, and it was pretty pathetic.

He nodded, not trusting himself to be able to close the dam of the words if it opened. She gazed back at him softly. "I hate to think that problems like yours still exist in our world, and I run a foster home." They shared a quiet laugh. "Either way, I'm willing to help out as much as I can. I want to do anything possible to eliminate this threat from your life. It's my responsibility as a foster mother to care for the kids I take in. Granted, you're a little older than most of my kids, but you have much bigger problems."

He smiled. "We can't ask you to do anything, Marlene," he said quietly. "You've done more than enough." She offered him both cups of tea. He took one for himself and placed the other on the nightstand for Joseph. "Thank you."

She smiled back. "I know you can probably take care of this by yourself, but Daisy spoke to me of the necessity of questioning those two from the car. I won't ask too many questions, but she did tell me something was done to you that makes you very dangerous and wanted dead." She tucked the tray between her arm and side. "I'm unwilling to participate, but I can get you into FEPE. That's likely where they went. FEPE has maps of the entire city. If they're trying to find you, they'll head there." Marlene's fingernails tapped against the tray. "I can't help you beyond that."

Zane grabbed her hand. "You're helping more than enough," he told her. "I can't imagine how much it must cost you to house us, even for two days. And getting us into FEPE is beyond generous. Your information has been invaluable and we can never thank you enough."

She laughed. "You young folk are so flattering," she chuckled, standing up. "We'll leave for FEPE at noon. I have a shift at the front desk. Be ready." She gave him one last soft gaze before leaving the room. "I loved a man once like you do now. It is the most wonderful feeling you'll ever experience. He's a kind boy. I hope you have plenty of time with each other. You only live once."

Her words comforted him. He did love Joseph, and her wisdom made him feel even better about himself. Wawrzynski faded away even more. He was obsolete. Zane had only to focus on keeping Joseph safe and interrogating the two people they'd seen in the car. They were the key to everything: Zane knew it. Wawrzynski had bothered to send them in to kill Zane and his friends, they were obviously important to his schemes.

He sat on the bed and watched Joseph's chest rise and fall through the blanket. He was smiling stupidly, but he loved it. Joseph was so beautiful, with his blue eyes that Zane had seen glint with laughter the night before, his ruffled brown hair that was so normal in color but unique in hairstyle.

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