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I shoved Wills hand off of my shoulders and skipped over to Niki. She had been slowly walking alone in front of us and I kinda felt bad.

I slung my arm over her shoulders and smiled up at her. She did the same.

"So how has my little sister been going?" She asked, chuckling at me. I loved it when she called me that, and I wish she really was my sister.

"I've been really good. School is good and since you and the others got here my holidays have got even better!"

"Oh that's so good! I've been really busy seeing family in Germany, but when Will invited me over I couldn't say no."

The way that she uses such enthusiasum when she talkes about my brother made me question their relationship, but have never mentioned it. I guess now was the perfect time.

"Um, Nikki?" I ask quietly "Are you and Will... You know... A thing?"
I prepared myself for an awkward silence, but almost immediately Nikki broke into tears of laughter.

"Me!? And Will? God No! We are just friends, I don't want to date him! Besides, I think that friendship is more important than love" she said, still laughing.

"Oh, right, um sorry" I said quietly, feeling rather embarrassed.

Nikki flicked a glance back to Tommy and Toby who were walking with Will. I did the same, and seemed to have cought the blond haired boy off guard and he darted his eyes in the other direction.

Nikki saw that and started to smile.

"What about you and Tommy?" She asked as I felt my cheeks go red. Not answering, I mentally shut off for a second, processing what she had said. I mean yeah he was kind and cute and funny, but do I like him?


"Oh, sorry, kinda dozed off. Um, I don't really know." I said, looking at my shoes.

"Oh, do you not like him?"

"No, no he's great it's just...well... yeah I don't know. I mean you're talking like a friend right? He doesnt like me in that way though so it doesn't really matter."

Nikki gave me a puzzled face. "Who told you that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Y/n, are you fucking blind?! He totally cares for you-" Niki said before I cut her off.

"No he doesn't, we are just friends. Close friends. Besides I can't date my brothers best friend, even if he is super cute"

"What was that last bit?" Niki said, leaning in a little closer. I have her a small smirk and shove before wandering over to the boys.

I barged in between Tommy and Wilbur and threw my arms over their shoulders, barely reaching.

"Why are you too such fucking giraffes?" I complain, shifting my two arms to around their waists.

"You are just a mijit woman" Tommy said, resting his arm on my head. I shove it off and give him an annoyed smile.

"At least I'm not the shortest..." I say, as everyone looks over to Toby who is next to Will.

"I am just vertically challenged, that's all" he said proudly. I walk over to him and place my arm around his neck.

"Nikki come over here, we can be the short squad" I say, smiling. She returned the smile and wraps am arm around me as the three of us walk behind Tommy and Will.

"Imagine being tall" I say loudly, before making a huge gagging sound. I hadn't noticed Will had turned around to face me and then pick me up over his shoulders.

"Hey! Put me down"

"You wanted to see what it was like being tall" he said as he continued to walk with me over his shoulder.

I looked over to Tommy and yet again caught him looking at me.

"What you lookin at Thomas?" I ask, smirking.

"Nothing, what are you talking about" he said, going a little red.

"Come over here" I say, still not being able to move.

He does what I asked and walked up behind Will so he was facing me.

"What did you want?"

"Head rest!" I say, leaning my arms and chin on his shoulder. "Being tall isn't that bad!"

Suddenly I feel two arms wrap around my waist, pulling me away from Will.

"Tommy stop I am going to fall" I said, gripping on to his arm.

"Fall then"

"I'll hurt my self"

"Don't be a pussy, Y/n"


Eventually I had both feet on the ground again and was walking arm in arm with my brother and his best friend.

Man it has been a long day.
_________________________________________A/n: short chapter I'm sorry. My phone was on 7 percent whilst writing this and I didn't want it to go flat.

Thanks for over 200 read. That's absolutely amazing and I love you guys.

Hopefully I will be updating more but for now byeeeee.

A Streamers Sister (Tommy innit X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon