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A/n: Guess What! This was written in the middle of the night! Go me and my stuffed sleep


The car ride was very peaceful. We were all chatting about what was going on with their streaming stuff and what we were doing over the next couple of days. Even though I'm not that interested in their Minecraft stuff, it was nice to have a big group conversation.

The time was around 4 in the afternoon and we had no other plans other than hang around the house, but I was happy with that. It had been a big couple of days, and I get worn out with new people. It would also be a good opportunity to get to know Tommy a bit better, which was exiting. He is really fun to hang out with and I think I want to be his friend.

"What are we doing when we get home?" I ask to whoever was listening.
"We could watch a movie or play a board game?" Will suggested. Toby and Tommy looked at each other disappointed.

"I don't think everyone's wrapped with that idea Will!" Niki said, giggling.
"Yeah, we watched a movie last night, and board games are not for big men like me!" Tommy said loudly right next to my ear.

"Jeez Tommy, we can hear you!" I said, sarcastically covering my ears. He and Toby shared a laugh.
"Get used to it Y/n, he only gets louder!" Wilbur warned me. I smiled and looked out of the front window.

We pulled out the front of our house. Toby opened his door and we both clambered out. On the other side if the car Tommy was having trouble.

"I can't work out the door!" He said to me laughing. I walked around and opened it for him, only for him to tumble out and onto the road.

"It was on child lock!" I said, giving him my hand and helping him up.
"You can't unlock it from the inside!"

"Why the fuck was it on child lock?!" He yelled. Wilbur and Niki stood back, laughing at him.

"Because you are a child, Tommy!" Toby said to his friend, who by then was up and walking up our front path.

"Shut up Toby!" Tommy said angrily, but there was a joking tone in his voice.

We got inside and made our way into the lounge room. Everyone was talking and joking around, and after a while we came to the conclusion that we would watch some old streams on the TV.

Wilbur plonked down on the couch. I looked at him for a moment before he patted the spot next to him, gesturing for me to sit down. A smile grew across my face and I sat down. He put his arm around my shoulder and started playing with my hair.

"Wilbur, stoppp!" I say, fixing my hair, him laughing. I look over to see Niki and Toby sitting on the other side of the lounge on their phones, occasionally showing each other videos of some kind.

Wilbur played with my hair more, knotting it and putting it over my eyes. I laughed and sat there, fake pouting.

I hear Toby say something that shifted my attention.
"You look a bit jealous Tommy!" He said. I turned my focus to Tommy, who had walked in the room and was looking over at me and Will.

"Aww, is little widdle Tommy jealous?" I say in a baby voice.
"Oh shut up, I don't get jealous!" He said, his cheeks going slightly red. He sits down in the middle of the couch, not near either me and Wilbur or Toby and Niki.

He was putting on a sarcastic disappointed face, but I could tell he was a little sad. I looked over to him, meeting his gaze.

"Hey," I say in a joking voice "I'm not moving, but you can come sit here?" I say, looking down at the floor inform of me.
"Why would I want to sit there?" He asked.
"Little widdle Tommy is lonely!" I say. He glares back at me, before returning a goofy smile.
"Besides I want to braid someone's hair and yours is long enough" I say. He looks at me for a second more before standing up and sitting inform of me cross legged.

A Streamers Sister (Tommy innit X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora