Chapter 10

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I leaned over and turned on a lamp. Lucas had his hair ruffled to perfection and was squinting at me because of the light. "Why are you in my room?"

"Sweetheart we are going to be married which means we share a room."

"Are you serious?" He nodded smirking at me.

"Fine your sleeping on the floor then because I am most definitely not sleeping in the same bed as you." His smirk immediately fell.

"I am not sleeping on the floor!!"

"Why not? Be a man and sleep on the floor!!"

"Why dont you sleep on the floor?"

"I am a lady!! Ladies do not sleep on the floor!!" I could really care less I just want him to sleep on the floor.

"Well I'm the prince so I don't have to sleep on the floor."

"Oh, your going to pull the prince card because you aren't man enough?" He grunted and smirked at me.

"Why wont you sleep on the floor? Afraid of spiders?"

"Nope I actually used to have a pet tarantula." Total lie but I wasnt going to look like a sissy!!

"But since you wont sleep on the floor you can stay on that side of the bed and I will stay on this side." I turned off the lamp and curled into the blankets. I laid there for a while trying to fall asleep when I felt something trail up my leg. I jumped and slapped Lucas. "Dont touch me!"

"I can see you didnt fix your problem."

"I can see your a total d-bag."

"A d-bag?"

"Yes, a  douche-bag."

"Whatever." He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me to him.

He stuck his head in my neck and inhaled deeply.

"You smell like mint and roses. You smell amazing."

"Get off of me this instant!!" I pushed him away from me as he chuckled. "Night princess."

My Arranged Marriage To The Werewolf PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now