Chapter 2: The Great Outside Awaits

Start from the beginning

I couldn't help but smile. I didn't feel nervous anymore.

"Come on." Lucy says, I want to show you something.

She takes my hand, and at first I froze, a little startled by the sudden grab of my hand but she smiled at me an says, "Trust me Bass Boy." There was a hint of teasing in her voice, but I liked it. Hand in hand, we poof away and we are now standing outside on the roof of the club. The stars shinned brightly and the cresent moon glowed white.

"I'm not actually supposed to leave the club..." I start.

"Relax, it's just the roof. Besides, Caleb needs his bass boy to play in his house band."

"He could just replace me." I say.

"No one could ever replace you." She says. "Yeah, they could take your spot, become the new member of the band, but they won't live up to your standards."

"I'm sure they could find someone as good as me, better even." I say. "Anyways, you seem to know everything about me, what about you?"

"Well...I'm a regular old ghost. I don't really perform for Caleb at all, I know I'm super interesting." She says with sarcasm in her voice. "But I am very intrested into stars, not like astrology with zodiacs though, I mean the actual stars." She says, gazing up at the sky. The stars twinkled in the reflection of her hazel eyes. "They're just so pretty, and the way they make constallations, they're just"

"They're actually balls of fire, so they're hot- oh wait, you mean the other cool."

Lucy giggles a little. "You like stars too?"

"Yeah, I really like sciency stuff. I was never really good at math, but I was always great at science." I say.

"Me too." Lucy says. "And math sucks, good thing we're dead so we don't have to worry about it anymore." We talk about school for a while, about all the good and bad teachers we've had. We talked about science, which was both of our favorite classes. After a while, silence fell among us because we ran out of stuff to say.

We stood there in silence for a minute, gazing at the stars.

"I'm sorry, I'm not very good at this whole dating thing." I apologize, feeling akward for not saying anything.

"No it's fine, I'm not really into that whole first date casual talk anyways." Lucy says. "Let's talk about our lives before we died."

Memeroises from my life came flashing back, memeroises I've tried to leave in the past. All the bad memeroises, none of the good. Memeroises of my parents fighting, of my father shouting at my low grade in math, paying no notice to my high scores in science. Math was the only class ever did bad in, and it was the only class my father seemed to care about.

"What was your faimly like?" She asks.

"Um....they were, they were great." It wasn't a complete lie, I considered my family to be Luke, Alex, and when we were alive, Bobby, and they were great. Bobby isn't as great anymore considering he stole our songs though.

"That's good." Lucy says. "But I can't say the same. My mom left me and my dad when he lost his job. We were in debt for awhile, but my dad always stayed positive. I thought we were gonna be fine, but then he started drinking. When things got bad, I ran away. When I was running, I got hit by a car and that's how I died."

"Wow, I'm...I'm so sorry." I say.

"Nah, don't be." Lucky says. "I had an excellent life until it started going bad, and I knew my dad loved me, it was just the alcohol. And if I didn't die I would have never met you."

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