For as Long as We Both Shall Live S2 E11

Start from the beginning

"Do you think it has something to do with your magic?" I asked.

"How can it? If it were to do with magic, then you would feel it too," Merlin said.

"Merlin, we both know that that is not the case. Sure I can do a few simple spells, but this? This is something I would never be able to do but you on the other hand... well, I reckon you could. You're a powerful person, Merlin, and I'm not just talking about your magic, I'm talking about you. I have never met someone as determined and, well, prone to being chucked into stupidly dangerous situations yet each and every time you fight back stronger. The reason you can feel the power of this crystal is because you can actually wield enough power to use it," I told him.

"But I don't want to wield it," Merlin shook his head, and it broke me to see just how scared he looked. His eyes were wide but brighter than they usually were.

"And you don't have to," I assured him. "How about this? I'll hold onto the crystal for a while longer and then we'll just make sure you have it before Arthur wakes up. Okay?"

Quietly, Merlin nodded. He gave me a small smile before I got up, crystal in hand and laid back down where I had been before. Making sure that the crystal was hidden from prying eyes, I shut my eyes and let sleep overtake me.


Third Person POV

No matter how hard he tried, Merlin could not sleep. He couldn't shake the feeling of the crystal even when it was several feet away with Chelsea. His eyes were fixed on her, how she looked so much more peaceful when she were asleep. But then his eyes kept drifting back to the crystal and no matter what he thought or did, the crystal still called out to him. Then finally, he had had enough.

Getting to his feet, he carefully and quietly took the crystal from Chelsea, a small smile formed on his face when he watched her shift around slightly, a small sigh leaving her lips. Once again, he was careful as he passed Arthur, knowing that the prince, despite being enchanted, would probably be too stubborn for the magic to stick for very long.

Finding his place back on the log, Merlin held the bagged crystal in his hand for a few moments, staring straight into the ashes left over from the fire, hoping it would rid himself of the thoughts that were surrounding him. But it didn't. Impulsively, Merlin tore the bag off of the crystal and held it in his hands, terrified of what he was about to see.

Everything was still for a few seconds, the only noise present was the heavy breathing of Merlin, as he prepared himself to feel the power of the crystal. Just as Merlin started to think he wasn't powerful enough to control said crystal, something changed. An image displayed itself on the surface of it, an image that Merlin recognised to be Kilgharrah. And then the picture moved.

It showed he, Merlin, running through a courtyard of fire, staring up at the smoking sky as the large wings of Kilgharrah flew over Camelot, blowing giant flames onto the innocent civilians. Camelot was falling, the turrets of the castles collapsing to the ground, the whole place set alight. Screaming innocents, running for their lives and then there she was. Running out into the flames, right to the other side of the courtyard, shouting the name "Aria!" Another gust of flames blew down on her, obscuring Merlin's vision of her. Was she alright? Why had the crystal not shown her anymore? The image changed to one of himself, tears falling down his cheeks, holding onto something that looked scarily similar to Chelsea's trusty bow that she always used in battles. Merlin had almost had enough but then he saw another image, an image that horrified him to his very core, a flaming building collapsing on the woman that he loved.

Not wanting to see anymore, Merlin chucked the crystal on the ground and rubbed at his eyes, surprised to find that his cheeks were damp with tears. Glancing over at her sleeping figure, Merlin watched as she shifted around again and then his thoughts forced themselves back to the image of the collapsing building. His legs shaking from the effort, Merlin got to his feet and walked back over to his Princess. Carefully and quietly, being sure he hadn't woken Arthur and that no other knights were nearby, Merlin crouched down beside Chelsea and brushed a locket of hair from her face.

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