Chapter 35 - The Rain

Start from the beginning

Leyrl wrinkled her nose as droplets hung and fell from her nose.  

Rajii turned from staring out over the lagoon to study both of the women that stood before him. "In the many lifetimes I have lived, there have never been more capable hands in which to leave the realm than your own. Too long has the darkness underestimated the power of our women," he said with a smile. "Thunder and lightning," he chuckled, eyes gleaming, "I do not think even Pervez himself is ready for the storm you are about to unleash."   

"Thank you for everything, Rajii," Adeniyi said, bowing her head. "We will meet again soon."

Rajii took a deep breath and placed his hand on both Adeniyi's and Leyrl's head before speaking the words of an ancient Aikerlish blessing. Tears pricked at the corners of Leyrl's eyes again as she recognized them as the same words Rajii had spoken many times before at the graduation ceremony of rising cadets: 

"May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face;

the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,

may Elindir and His Son hold you in the palm of His hand."

He paused and moved his hands to their shoulders, squeezing them tightly, "And may you reign well, dearest daughters of our Father who awaits you in the Realm Above. Do not forget you were set apart, chosen for this moment so that the will of the Father might be fulfilled through you."

Neither Adeniyi nor Leyrl could hold back their tears as Rajii wrapped them in one final embrace. 

First, Adeniyi: "Do not grow weary of doing good for in due time you will reap a harvest if you do not give up." Leyrl watched as he cupped her head in his hand as he held her close. "I will be waiting for you when you cross over the River, sister."

Adeniyi choked back a sob as Rajii turned to Leyrl. 

Leyrl held her breath, hoping to somehow stop time as he pulled her tight. "In as much as we share abundantly in Yeshua's suffering, so also our comfort abounds through him," he said as he released her and offered her his arm. As Leyrl instinctively clasped it, he grinned. "You know what Éoran told me the day he heard the prophecy? 'Are you certain it will reach her?' When I asked him why he was so sure it was a girl we were waiting for, he said: 'Girls are smarter. No bullheaded young man is going to end this. That'll hurt his ego too much.' He was right."

Leyrl found herself smiling despite herself. 

"Until all are free," Rajii said, crossing his forearm across his chest.

Leyrl and Adeniyi followed suit. "Until all are free," they repeated. 

The high priest turned, tipped his head up toward the sky until the rain streamed down it. "I am ready, Father," he declared.

Thunder clapped and lightning shone on his dark form as he approached the shore. 

He took one step into the water, and Leyrl and Adeniyi's hands found one another.

Another step and he was gone.

Leyrl leaned into Adeniyi's shoulder, and they stood together in the rain until their boots were as heavy with water as their hearts were with sorrow. The one who had said goodbye too many times squeezed the hand of the one who was still learning how to say goodbye, and together they turned to make their way up the hill. 

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