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Abhay and pihu entered in team room only to find

Bhuvi and jinks were reading some book ,vii was on a call with nushkie ,ro was sleeping, shub,prithvi,ishan and rishu were playing fifa , ash and shrey were watching a movie , mayank and harry were irritating rahul on something , jassi was sitting with his head on bhuvi's shoulder peeking in his book and kul was laughing on some joke cracked by jaddu and yuzi

Abhay rushed to bhuvi's side

"bhai how is your pain now?" abhay asked sitting in front of bhuvi

"Im fine abhay , dont worry" he said gently ,keeping a hand on his shoulder

Pihu went to him and handed him some medicines and water ,he gulped it , then she gave jassi's medicine he too ate

She took a pillow and kept it under bhuvi's leg , she took another pillow and kept it behind jassi's back

"bhuvi bhai if you feel any hard pain inform me okay and jassi bhai you too please dont hide it okay?" she said to both of them

They both nodded and smiled at her

She turned and plopped on the couch between rishu and abhay who were sitting idle after losing the fifa match

"wassup boys" she asked

"nothing much we just won a match and the next treat is on both of them" ishan said beaming happily pointing towards rishu and prithvi

"guys lets play never have I ever na" harry said out of nowhere after taking a break from his- irritate rahul to the death mode

"no harry" shikhi,ash,and jinks denied him

"arghh..good for nothing oldies" he muttered

"leave these boring dads we all youngsters will play" he said

"harry bhai who's agastya pandya" pihu asked

"arey my son wait Ill show you his pictures" he said taking out his phone

"dumbo she meant even you are a dad" jassi said

"ohh but Im a cool dad unlike them" he said raising his collars

"Im not playing" rah said

" you are the brand ambassador of boredom" mayu said to him

"you are playing " harry said to him and both harry and mayu pulled him and made him sit in between both of them

"lets start" yuzi said

"why he isn't pestering bhuvi bhai today?" whisper asked abhay to shrey

"ohh he gave him a day off as he is injured , you know he still cares no matter how much he pretends that he doesnt care and bhuvi bhai is a special case" he replied

"but.." pihu started but was cut off by harry

"you dont drink?" he asked

"drink? Huhh she can beat any of us in drinking" Shrey said

"duffer you made me sound like a drunkard" she said hitting him on shoulder

"anyways I was saying you guys cant have hard drinks na" she completed

"lets play with soft drinks" mayu suggested

They agreed
And played for sometime until it was time for dinner

Next morning

Pihu's pov:

I was going for shower after completing my workout when my phone rang
I lifted the call

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