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Shub's pov :

After half an hour when we reached ground , we all entered in and were looking for her everywhere when washy saw her sitting in the dug out , she was engrossed in her laptop

We went towards her and shrey bhai hugged her she was taken aback by the sudden pull but she relaxed as soon as she saw him

He was really worried all the way , he thought he was responsible for this

"damn girl you scared me" he said

She hit him on the shoulder and said "acha ji and do you know how much I was scared when you said vii bhaiya is angry at me"

He chuckled "but I thought you will be in your room sulking"

She glared him

"I mean you will be sleeping in your room, didnt you slept so late last night , then how come you wake up this early "

"you okay kiddo, why didnt you slept" asked ro bhai

"Wow all that matters to you is sleep na rohit, be it yours or someone else's" Ash bhai commented

"ntg bhai I was just jet lagged"she replied

"officially welcome in ict pihu"harry said

"such a nice welcome haan harry bhai" she replied with super sweet sarcastic smile

"but why do you guys always make me the villain, why you always say that Im angry on everyone" asked virat

"you are a hero bhaiya not a villain" she immediately said

"and that too a super hero" Me, kul, shrey bhai and others said in unision

"Im telling you jinks this idiot actually did a black magic on this kids and now on her too"ro bhai said dramatically and there started the ever famous rohirat banter

"you are just jealous ro that they love me more than you"

"that happens just in your dreams vii"

"thats reality ro accept it"

"you shut up they love me more"

"you shut up everyone can see they love me more"

"you both shut up , you both are worse than kindergarden kids , start practising , go now" Ash bhai stopped them and they both went away not before glaring each other

I saw her with her mouth wide open

Abhay closed her mouth and said "even I was shocked when I saw this for the first time"

"Its just.." bhuvi cut her off saying
"Unbelievable.. I know"

"anyways boys start practising" coach said

"yeah so shrey bhai , deepak bhai and shubman , I saw your reports , its fine you can practise but start with a bit easy one and also dont stress yourslef much if you feel any kind of pain let me know immediately" she said

"but we didnt mailed you their reports then how" coach asked

"I asked adit to mail it" she replied

Coach smiled at her , we said said okay to her and left from there

We all started with warmup and then with our respective practise sessions
She sat at the same place and started studing other reports maybe

It was after 7 hours when we returned , she was still so engrossed in the laptop , she was studing each report intently that she didnt even realised we all came and sat around her , vii bhai and abhay sat beside her on each side

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