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"Listen! Don't talk!
Sit straight! Steady walk!
You will find your way to heaven, just feel your skin as it cracks!
Noble sacrifice!"
You're every side of the dice!
There is no use playing poker when the answer is your face.
I heard and I closed my ears.
It was you who taught me how to shut down my tears.
But just in case you are  uneducated, which you are.
Because you think that you're the victim, and you caused my inner war.
I'll explain to you how to fake being a human which you taught me.
Being a devil isn't hard, but hiding it can break me.
Don't blame me for following you I'm the bullied not the bully.
You'll understand the day you live in your mind if it's as dark.
When you don't need something shining bright.
It's enough if it's a dim light.
You're that damn bloody light.

I don't know what title I could give it, it's like being in a toxic relationship, if you have any suggestions comment them bellow.

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