Chapter 1

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Ricky's POV

I groaned as Ryan opened my bunk and nudged me, telling me I had to get up. It was day two of our tour throughout the US and man I was already tired. I got up out of my bunk as I mentally promised myself that I would go to bed right after the show tonight. I pulled on my dark grey skinnies, along with a black t-shirt and jacket, I said morning to the guys as I made my way to the bathroom. In the bathroom I sorted my hair out, put my black beanie on and did my make-up. I then made my way out of the tour bus, grabbing my cigarettes and lighter. I took a long drag as I looked up at the morning sky. I was lost in my own thoughts about how this tour would go when Chris came out and stood next to me.

"Looking forward to the fun we're gunna have on this tour?" Chris said as I turned my head up and exhaled smoke before turning to face him.

"Sure, as soon as I get a good night's sleep." I replied, a slight grin on my face.

Chris smiled at my reply as Josh stepped off the bus and put his arm round mine and Chris' shoulders.

"So, guys" he said "We're gunna head to Starbucks for some morning coffee, you guys wanna join us?"

We both agreed as I threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stomped it out.

According to the Angelo there was a Starbucks not far from the venue where our bus was. We'd driven to the venue we'd be playing at throughout the night so we pretty much had a free day until sound check. Sure enough Angelo was right, we quickly arrived within quarter of a hour and got our coffee's. We took a slightly slower pace back as we chatted and drank our coffee, it was a pretty hot day, especially when you're wearing near enough all black.

By the time we got back it was just before Midday, seriously? Most days I'd be grateful that we had a day to relax but today... I don't know, I was tired and bored. Nothing very interesting but hanging with the guys. I sat down on the couch in our bus and leaned my head back closing my eyes. Maybe I could just nap for a while...

My eyes shot open to see a Joshua Balz who had just jumped on my lap, looking down at me.

"What the fuck dude?" I said as I pushed him off, sitting up properly and stretching.

"It's time for our sound check sleeping beauty" he replied as he gave out a slight laugh.

"Ugh" I groaned as I stood, rolling my eyes at Josh's comment. Had I really just slept for a good five hours? Man, so much for a nap... Now I won't be able to sleep tonight. I followed Josh into the venue to see all the other guys already there. Seemed like they already bought my guitar with them.

Sound check was fine, by the time we were done there were fans already for the show tonight, queuing up outside. We all went backstage and put on our paint.

I had a feeling this tour was going to be a good one.

To Keep From Getting Burned [RickyxChris] (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now