The Favourite Teacher

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PROMPT: Miss Yoon Jinah is beloved by the entire pre-school class, for she treats them like her own kids

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PROMPT: Miss Yoon Jinah is beloved by the entire pre-school class, for she treats them like her own kids. When the Board of Trustees decides to close the school & sell the building, she goes head-to-head against its chairman.

It was supposed to be a good day.

Though weather reports predicted a ninety percent chance of rain, the sun proved to be a rebel, having shone brightly ever since the break of dawn.

No one took better advantage of this good weather than the pre-school class of Teacher Yoon Jinah, whose students scrambled to get to their favourite spots at the school park.

Their lovely teacher believed in a play-based way of learning. She, of course, never fell short in teaching them theories and all the academic basics one must learn in order to get through life, but whenever she could sense that her students' minds were going on an overdrive, she encouraged play more than anything else.

And that endeared her more to her students.

Growing up without siblings, the young teacher has always loved being with children. She loved their energy, their curiosity, their innocence, even the bits about them that most adults would most likely be annoyed of.

Recognizing this passion early in life pushed her to become the pre-school teacher that she is now. Because of her innate ability to understand children, Jinah was easily the favourite teacher of all her students.

Every day is an adventure for her when it comes to teaching children. There were good days, and there were bad days, but she still loved every minute of it, especially when her students showed her that all her efforts were appreciated and being put into good use.

So, that day, when the rain didn't fall and Jinah let her students run free in the park for an hour, she had anticipated that it was going to be a good day.

After all, the kids always came back from their playtime more energized, and that made it easier for Jinah to teach them the theoretical parts of life.

However, though the weather reports were wrong, a dark cloud still hung over their skies in the form of a member of the Board of Trustees of Jinah's school, who came by that morning with some gloomy news.

"Please, there has to be another way," Jinah now says, still reeling from what the man had just said. "You can't close down the school just like that." She snaps her fingers to emphasize the last word.

"Actually, we can," he informs her matter-of-factly, not even appearing to be a bit sorry about potentially crushing the hearts of young children. "A Resolution has just been passed to that effect. We won't be reopening next academic year."

Though a myriad of arguments start forming loudly in the teacher's head, ready to be spit out like venom, Jinah somehow finds herself at a complete loss of what else to say.

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