The Last Step & The Last Breath 1

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While Washington's Fleet entered the Midway Reenactment trap


Ladon's POV

after finalizing the plan,all factions rushed to get to their own objectives,fleets were formed on the spot,combining members of all the factions into multiple large fleets,that would target their own objective above anything else 

we had an opening to end everything,one push to finish what those Siren started,the battle to end it all and the battle that will decide humanities fate,defeat was no longer an option,we know what we have to do,we have everything we need to do it and we were going to finish the fight,no matter the cost that was needed 

it was now or never,the high time of the war or as the Sirens would probably say,the final act only this time,we were going to make sure that the curtains never rise up again,that the show end with us and only us

all the pain,all the strife,all the suffering and all the losses we have all come down to this battle,we either walk away with the freedom of humanity raised to the sky or we all fall and humanities fate is sealed for an eternity

everyone was steeled,bringing up everything they know,putting up all they have,looking to everyone they know as we all readied ourselves for the final fight,the one that would end it all,the one,that will take it all or give everything back

as everyone prepared for the fight,some quickly finished with what they needed and used their time to do things that they might not be able to do,one of them was Me as I sat in my room,sat on the chair in front of my desk,thinking to myself as I mentally got ready for what's about to come while deciding on a few last things,before we left,thing that would come to effect only after the battle,when one of two outcomes is decided

in front of Me was a small dark blue box,the contents saved for a special someone,I plan to give it to her once this is all said and done but as I looked at it,I'm reminded that I may not make it back with her,I'm reminded that we may all not make it back

I could only pray that we won't have any casualties,that we all will make it back in one piece but if there had to be a sacrifice to end this battle,then I only hope that the sacrifice is Me,so that they won't have to suffer from it,I already died once,my time should've ended there,so if I were to be lost again,then I should be lost to history for good this time

as selfish as I may be with this,this is the only wish I have for this battle,to give all that I promised to the world without losing anyone else than a single person,if I could give these girls the world of peace they fought for so long,if I could keep the promise I made Sis so long ago,if I could let Enty see the peaceful waves of the world,then I would give my life a thousand times for all of them

they would never approve of it,they would never agree,they would stop Me no matter what it took but that would be natural for them,because the believe in the same things I do,they believe that we can win without losing someone for victory and as long we never lost anyone,it was our victory but I understood the truth

I always tried to prove it wrong but I still understood it and I've said to myself,if there had to be a sacrifice to finish all of this madness,then I would give my life a thousand times,I would give it up for a repeating eternity,if it meant that the girls could live the lives of peace they've missed all this time

I picked up the box from the table and hid away in my jacket as I stood from my chair,done thinking of the possibilities and now turning to what had to be done and what I was going to do,I looked over to Justice and Antenna,who were peacefully sleeping in their cat beds,oblivious to the battle,everyone was preparing for as they slept soundly with a single written note under Justice's bed

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