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The past few weeks have been amazing and now its back to reality. Its two days left for schools to open and we are back from our honeymoon where we toured the whole of Swaziland. It was beautiful and very relaxing. We got of the airport to find Thabo there and I welcomed him with one hell of a hug. He has really been a big brother to me.
Thabo: didn't know i missed you until i saw you walk down those stairs.
Me: really now.
Thabo: yes really
Sanele: what are you two love birds whispering about. We laughed.
Me: are you getting jealous Mr Mkhize
Sanele: should I Mrs Mkhize. Still can't believe that me but yeah that me. We drove home with them talking and catching up.

Agent khoza
We watched as the car pulled and got excited as this is my step closer into getting what I need to nail this family down. I watched as she got out of the car smiling and Sanele picking her up and getting into the house with her.

Her lavender smell hit my nose making me yearn for her.
Rainbow: am thinking of going to take a shower than afterwards preparing dinner. You can invite your sisters over for dinner and we can just chill. Ill call Zandile and see if she back from home.
Me: Tired of me already. She laughed leaving me standing there going to the bathroom. I turned to Thabo and we both walked to the study.
Thabo: we are under surveillance by the Hawks intelligence. More specifically you are under surveillance.
Me:how long has the case been active?
Thabo: 5 years, Agent Buyisani Khoza is leading it. More specifically his looking into pining you for the murder if Dikabelo Shirwa.
Me: Do I know her?
Thabo: It the girl who got shot when we did our first heist back in 2009.
Me: what is she to him?
Thabo: I haven't found the connection yet.
Me: okay keep me posted and dig anything about the agent and come back to me ill decide what we can do.
Thabo: Did you tell Madam about you extra business or past?
Me: its the past. Why should her let her judge me by that?
Thabo: just asking boss
Me: you think I should?
Thabo: just as a precaution boss, best if she hears things from you than the outside world because they have the ability to twist it how ever.
Me: since when you got so smart. He laughed leaving me standing there thinking about what he just said. Just after a while her small head peeked in.
Rainbow: You good? You sound so lost. Come here. She walked in and i saw she was wearing my pants and shirt. Looking simply beautiful. I moved the chair so she can sit on my lap which i noticed it something she loves doing lately.
Me: I want to ask you something
Rainbow: hmmm
Me: You never asked me about my past. How i got where I am.
Rainbow: you always tell me about the good times of how you grew up.
Me: yeah but i never go in to details about how i started the business, how i got the name X. She turned and looked right in my eyes.
Rainbow: what troubling you?
Me: When I was young I had a friend And he was gangster and raw. He convinced me to go with him to do a job and in the process an innocent girl got shot. I don't know if am the one who shot her or if it was Nelson or Thabo but a girl died that day and we continued like nothing ever happened.  She looked at me for sometime.
Rainbow: The fact that you thinking about it now means you not heartless a mistake was made and unfortunately a life was lost. Pray about it and take direction from there.
Me: You dont love me any less?
Rainbow: I know your line of work is not always narrow and I know you have done bad things in your life. Who am I to judge you?your day with your lord is coming and you will answer to him. And no I don't love you any less.
Me: What did i do to deserve you.
Rainbow: You were yourself that what you did. So long yourself than you and I are good. I kissed her cheek and she got up smiling to the kitchen

Agent khoza
I watched as different cars got into the drive through of the Mkhize. I did facial recognition and saw that it was the Mkhize sisters that were linked to some criminal activities but they weren't my case. My case was Sanele. I watched as the glowing bride welcomed her sister in laws in with a smile and welcoming the gifts they got for her. They moved to the patio with Sanele wanting her on his side. When she moved, he moved with her helping her. It really was beautiful to watch.

Me: Thank you guys for coming by in such short notice.
Zandile: When the Queen calls we answer. They laughed and we enjoyed a nice meal and cool conversation.
Thabo: Thanks for an invite
Me: I think am going to steal you to be my bodyguard.
Sanele: speaking of that you returning to school in two days time, I need to get you one.
Thabo: Already have one boss.
Me: still dont get why I need one but am not going to argue. I want to do self defence classing and of cause shooting. The whole room went silent.
Senilisiwe: you want to learn how to shoot?
Me: Yes
Senilisiwe: why?
Me: protection
Senilisiwe: from?
Me: the same reason you guys want me to have a bodyguard.
Senilisiwe: Ill teach you. I turned to see Sanele jaw tight and I knew he was angry but he said so him self his getting me a body guard.
Slindo: I can teach you kick boxing
Sanele: Slindo
Slindile: while i can teach you combat since we all offering our services.
Sanele: she barely has time to herself with school when are you guys going to teach her all this crap?
Me: Crap?
Sanele: I don't see the point of you learning all these things
Me: Well i see the point and ill make time and thank you ladies for offering your services. Am definitely taking you up on your offer.
Senilisiwe: dont worry bro we shall send our checks. They started laughing and the mood went back to being light....

Diary of RainbowМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя