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When Thabo got in the car he turned and looked at me. For a second than turned and started the car and we left.
Me: I need a full investigation on her. Her likes and dislikes. Everything that will make me understand her more and not mess this up. She is the one. I heard him cough and I know he was covering a comment.
Thabo: The kind of life you live boss isn't for her.
Me: will just have to accommodate her than. He nodded as i took out my phone and went through the recents she went through and i saw the first picture she looked at and I cursed a bit then cleared my history. Activated my other sim card where i do business and text and emails came through like crazy.

I looked into the plastics everything I saw there was everything I saw at the mall. The biggest was the laptop and i rushed to it and plugged it just than Zandile walked in.
Zandile: i thought you said you broke, you just window shopping?
Me: I am broke and i was window shopping.
Zandile: the plastics. She walked in the lounge touched a few things then looked at me. " une blesser?" She looked at me shocked.
Zandile: aybo mamfundisi. I looked at her. That the name she gave me after i dragged them to church.
Me: i dont have iblesser
Zandile: Am not judging
Me:its not what you think.
Zandile: oh am not judging but be careful. You look innocent, you sound innocent, you are innocence. So just know if am a girl and i can see this imagine what a guy can see? She picked her bag and left me with my thoughts.i took everything packed it and went to my room.

Inspector walked in and looked at the team and went to the front.
Inspector Xaba: 5 years we have been searching for The butcher and till today we are not closer to finding a man that is responsible for making more than 30 people be chopped into pieces and no one knows who he/she is? And a disappearance of more than 50 people? His the reason why we have more than 100 cases open.
Detective zama: No one is willing to talk and all gangs and regular thugs look at you as if you crazy if you bring up the butcher. Am beginning to think we looking for a ghost.
Inspector Xaba: i want everyone to go back to the drawing board and look at everyone we have surveillance and everyone we have ever suspected than come back to me with something that can at least point to a person or an organisation. They all nodded and left.

Its been two weeks since the whole Sanele saga and its been peaceful. The laptop he got me has been helpful and so is the phone which got airtime, minutes and data. About a week ago one of his guys came by with plastics full of junk food from him and wouldn't leave without me taking it so i took it and it was a life saver. I was coming out of class when someone called me and i turned to find Zandile and her girls coming my way. I waited for her.
Zandile: We going to a night club, want to come?
Me: its 3pm what are you going to a nightclub for?
Zandile: not now dear, later.
Me: ill pass i have a test on Monday. She turned and looked at her friends.
Zandile: told you that my Roomza is focused. She kissed my forehead and they left. I just turned and walked to find someone one walking next to me in silence. I turned and found the guy who i share chemistry class with. I kept yo myself and kept walking and he was quiet and walked beside me until we crossed the parking lot where he got in his car and drove off. I walked to my complex got there took a shower and wrapped myself in a towel got in bed and dozed off. I woke up to voices and i grabbed one of my baggy tops and uggs and got out to find Zandile talking to an old man. It looked like a fight. I went to pee than went back in my room and slept only to be woken by my phone. I answered in my sleep.
Me: Hello?
Sanele: Ntokazi
Me: hi
Sanele: am by the door
Me: which door?
Sanele: your door. I got up with my hair a mess and a baggy top no bra( not that i needed it) and walked my skinny as to the door. I opened up and there he was carrying a paper bag with a steers logo and cold drinks cups. I moved aside as he walked in. Today he was in full back track suit and he looked stern.
Me: Hi. He hanged up on the phone and broke into a smile. I moved to the side for him to get in.

She really looks breath taking in her baggy top am sure she naked underneath it. I stopped thinking that and walked in snd she closed the door. We went to the lounge i placed the food i got her on the coffee table.
Me: i got you dinner. She smiled her warm smile and turned to me.
Rainbow: Thank you. We sat down and ate in silence when she was done she cleaned up and came sat next to me.
Rainbow: Thank you for the gift they were practical. Am using the laptop for school and the data are really helpful. Thank you.
Me: a pleasure, what are you studying?
Rainbow: medicine
Me: nice
Rainbow: and you
Me: entrepreneur
Rainbow: i figured that what kind?
Me: business
Rainbow : obviously. I was quiet,my line of work i cant really tell on the first date.
Me: i have multiple companies that i manage
Rainbow: oh that nice, i knew you do something huge. I smiled at her.
Me: ill like to take you out on a proper date.
Rainbow: i have a test on Monday
Me: more reason for us to go out this weekend as a study break. She was quiet for some time and she finally nodded and i smiled at her.
Me: well let me leave you to your books then.
Rainbow: thank you for the food.
Me: my pleasure. I got my car keys and phone and she walked me out.
Rainbow: your car not here yet. I pointed to my silver grey AMG at the corner and she walked me there.
Rainbow: no drivers today?
Me: I missed you not them. She laughed and i took that moment to kiss her forehead and got in the car and drove off....

Diary of RainbowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora