Aleksi was confused until he looked over and saw me, with a rats nest I call hair and bloodshot eyes. When he saw me I watched his smile slowly fade and turn into a glare full of pure hatred. I gulped, my confidence I had standing up to Aleksi fading. I didn't want to be the cause of drama between them.

"Aleksi what the fuck dude." Joonas nearly screamed at him. The rest of the group just stared, not knowing what was wrong. Most hadn't seen me yet so I just stayed hidden behind the door. I watched Aleksi's face as he looked up at Joonas. He scoffed and looked down into the tall glass of beer in his hands.

"Joonas stop. I don't need you fighting for me. I can handle it myself." I said walking in and grabbing his arm. I tried to pull him out of the room but he wouldn't move.

"Scarlett? What are you doing here? What happened?" Niko asked standing up. Everyone was staring at me except Joonas, who was still staring angrily at Aleksi.

"Don't worry about it. Nothing happened and nothing will happen because I'm going to remove Joonas and myself from the situation." I said walking up to grab Joonas' arm. This time he didn't resist.

"What's the matter Scarlett? Couldn't fight your own battles so you had to get backup." Aleksi said gesturing towards Joonas. I clenched my jaw and tried to calm down.

"What? Scared of a little conflict? How pathetic. You're just a pathetic little slut and that's all you ever will be." Aleksi sneered, slowly standing up and taking long strides towards me. When he said this the room went silent and suddenly I felt shivers down my spine. I was going to kill this man if it's the last thing I do.

"Say it again. I dare you." I said walking up until our chests were almost touching. It was kind of embarrassing because I was so much shorter than he was but nevertheless I was angry.

"Pathetic. Little. Slut." He repeated, pronouncing each word clearly. Because we were so close I brought my knee up to his crotch and thrust it as hard as I could. I stared at his face and watched it contort with pain. The second I kneed him everyone jerked up and grabbed either mine or Aleksi's arm.

"Woah woah woah. What the fuck is going on with you guys?" an angry Tommi said yanking Aleksi up onto his feet. I hoped his anger wasn't just at me for kneeing his band mate.

"He called me a slut! He waited until I finished my fight with my own band mate and then called me a slut. I hate him. Did you hear that Aleksi? I hate you. I hate you I hate you I hate you." I screamed at them all. I was grabbed by some of the boys and dragged outside.

When I got outside I put my back against the wall and slid down, finally letting the tears roll down my cheeks. Niko knelt down next to me, similar to what Joonas did earlier, and stroked my back. I couldn't help but let out big ugly sobs. Why was I crying over a four letter word that some guy who I met yesterday is calling me? I don't know. Maybe he was right. Maybe I am a slut.

"Hey Scarlett. It's okay. Everything's okay. Just take deep breaths." Niko was trying to calm me. I heard the dial tone from someone so I was assuming one of my band mates was being called.

"Hey Alexei! Yeah it's Niko. From Blind Channel yeah. Well I have Scarlett with me right now and I think at least one of you better come on over." I heard Niko say on the phone. I hope Lacy comes because I can't handle seeing Dmitri.

After 10 minutes I heard someone running. I lifted my head slowly to see Lacy running towards me with a concerned look on her face.

"Oh baby, what happened?" She said kneeling down next to Niko. I felt the tears rise again so I threw my arms around her neck and cried into her shoulder.

"I got in a fight with Dmitri and then he called me a slut." I said mumbling into her shoulder. Her hand on my back stopped moving and she pulled me off of her.

"Dmitri called you a slut?" she repeated and her voice contained some anger. I violently shook my head no, I didn't specify who said it.

"No no. Aleksi called me a slut. Four times too." I whispered, looking up at my best friend. Her face softened and she pulled me in again for a hug. I lowkey felt pathetic once I said it out loud but it was nice to say it to her.

"Alright no more sulking. Who cares what he thinks! You're hot and he's just mad that you can get some and he can't. So let's forget about this, head back to the hotel, and watch movies until really late. We have a couple days until the Turquoise Carpet so let's focus on that. Forget about him, let's go." Lacy said after a couple minutes. She stood up grabbing my hand and pulling me up with her. I wiped my nose and made a conscious decision to not let anything that happened today affect me in any way.

"You're right. Fuck them. Let's go." I said giving a weak smile. She bid the boys farewell and gave Alexei a hug. There's definitely something going on between the two. Then, Lacy came over and threw her arm around my shoulders before walking out with me. 

When we got back to the hotel it was quarter to four so Lacy and I plugged my computer into the tv and watched the Harry Potter movies.

Towards the end of Goblet of Fire I felt myself dozing off slightly. I turned to Lacy and her eyes were focused on the screen. I decided to place my head on her shoulder and continue watching.

"Lacy?" I asked when Voldemort went on his whole speech Harry Potter the boy who lived, come to die.

"Yeah what's up?" She said softly, still facing the screen.

"Do you think I'm a slut?" I asked her. It had been on my mind all night and I know she didn't agree with me using Dmitri. I just needed her opinions.

"Scarlett. I may not agree with your choices all the time but I would never ever think you're a slut. I've done slutty things in the past and I can promise you, you're not a slut. You're a human who cares about people and he's just an asshole who hasn't gotten his dick wet in forever." She said laughing slightly. She made me laugh too. I'm lucky to have her as my best friend.

She's so right. Forget about him, he doesn't matter. I finally close my eyes and fall asleep. It's a peaceful sleep. No thoughts of Aleksi or any of the drama from today invaded my dreams so I was able to sleep peacefully and long. With the cries of Amos Diggory in the background. So maybe not super peaceful.

All the same, I'm just going to ignore him. He doesn't matter.

Fuck Aleksi Kaunisvesi.

hey guys what's up. here's a new chapter because i felt productive.

um i hate latin

also have a great day love y'all <33

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