chapter 6

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Zachs POV

I go into my small room. It reminds me of the one at the gallagher accadamy. Its a square room with the head of the bed pushed up to the center of the right wall. There's a small wooden bedside table with a lamp sitting on top of it. In the left corner of the room there is also a large oak wardrobe. Its minimal, but I like it.
I dry myself off, pull on some khaki shorts and go into the garden where the girls are. I walk down to them and lie on the rug in the sun next to a reading cammie, she doesnt notice me until I put my arms around her waist and pull her down from her sitting position so that she is lying beside me.
"NO! You made me loose my page you little-"

"Cam you are a spy, you can remember anything." I say.
"Is that ment to be complement?" She asks.
"I guess." I reply
"Well stop guessing and go make yourself usefull by getting some sun lotion." She laughs and I get up but she grabs my arm. "Im joking make yourself usefull by staying here with me." She pulls me down and Im lying beside her again. She looks at me and smiles. The sun lightens her face and all I want to do is kiss her. But I dont because the baxters come out with a green frisbe.

Cammies POV

Abe and grace walk out of the house with a very green frisbe. They throw a bottle of sun cream and zach catches it with one hand and starts spraying it every where.
"No, zach your getting it on the rug and your clothes." I say.
"Here." He passes me the bottle."You do it." I put it down and begin rubbing it in. He smirks at me when I get to his abs.
"Look you just need to rub it in , why do I have to do it?" I ask.
"I never said you have to." And he smirks once again. " but anyway I like it when you do it." I cant help but smile at his words.
"Then turn over." I say with no tone in my voice. I spray 5 times up his spine and each time he laughs. "What? Is zachary goode ticklish?" I say hoping he is.
"No its just cold." He says. I guess I knew the answer, he is spy he has basicly been braught up to not be ticklish. I rub it in then roll him over to finnish him of. "Shut your eyes." He does and I spray some in my palm and place it on his face then gently rub it in. I stop as he opens his eyes. his gaze meets my eyes and he brings his lips to mine, my hands still on either cheek. Its gentle but then gets deeper, his soft lips fit perfectly together with mine and its times like this I wish could last forever. But when your a spy nothing can last forever. As much as I hate it we break away. He supports the back of my head with his hand and holds his forehead against mine and we just breath for a moment.
"So." Zach smiles. "Wanna play frisbe?"
"I need to put on sun lotion" I grab the bottle and spray it into my hand. Zach dips his finger in it and dabs it onto my left arm. "Zach what are you doing?"
"Helping." He smiles and carries on dabbing.
"Look try rubbing it in." I say holding back a laugh. He takes this as a count and spreads it up my arms to my shoulders his hand goes up the short blue sleeve of my t-shirt and lingers there. Just resting on my shoulder. "Ok, zach. What are you doing? " I ask again with an uneasy tone.
He then leans in and whispers, "I am remembering when this," he pings my bra strap "snapped. At some sort of dance." He smiles at me as if everything was normal. But everything was anything but normal. Take this advise: dont ever let anyone, let alone a boy ping your bra strap, it hurts! I didnt even know he knew what a bra was, let alone the fact that it came undone when he dipped me at a dace. I was wearing a gorgeous red strapless dress and "I" wanst me at all. "I" was Tiffany StJames. He removes his hand from my shoulder. And points at my hand which was dripping sun lotion on a very nice rug.
"Oh, crap." I say quikly putting the rest on my right arm then moving my hands to a splodge on the rug, I clear it up then feel someone rubbing my arm, I turn around just to find a zach with his hands held on either side of his head in submission.
"Am I really that scary?" I ask.
"Cam you are the least scary person I know." I dont know if I should take it as complement or as an offence, because if you ask me, being scary can come in handy if you ever need to interrogate somebody.
"Ok but why, what, hmm, the rubbing!?" I ask making perfectly no sence and a very big gesture to my right arm.
"You only put it on, you didnt rub it in." He says.
"Oh" is all I say in reply. "Lets get this game of frisbe started then."

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