chapter 2

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Disclaimer: all rights go to ally carter. She is the one who made all these wonderful characters.

Cammies POV

After everyone has gone to bed for one last time this semester,  I carefully get up trying not to wake bex liz and macey and wander down the moonlit corridors. I then walk towards my favourite passage . I slip behind the Gallagher family tree and walk down the dark corridor.  I find a small crate sit down and tears begin filling my eyes and start rolling down my cheeks. I think about how the woman from the rooftop in Boston tried to kidnap me. How that woman is zachs mother.

"Gallagher girl"

I hadnt noticed him come In. These tears are not for him to see. He lifts his hand up to wipe them away. But only more come to take their place. His hands are warm against my cheek. "Gallager girl."he says again but with more meaning.I don't dare look into his eyes, but he lifts up my chin so his gase meets mine.he pulls me closer. I felt the wamth from his body, the way he held me made me realize.

"I do love you."I whisper

"Cam"he says. Not Gallagher girl, cam. "You mean the world to me.I dont want anyone to hurt you ever." He held me tighter and I held him. I wish we could stay in this moment forever.

People say that teenagers dont understand love, but as a spy you have to grow up quicker than most odinary teens. And there one thing I know, I feel exactly the same way towards him.

  He presses his lips to mine I press mine to his we are inseparable. That is right until I hear someone say

"cammie?" me and zach stand next to each other awkwardly as we face my aunt. "Ah, yes, I thought I would find you here, Ummm, just maybe not exactly like this." I glance at zach who's cheeks have gone pink, but If you ask me I think he looks even cuter like this.

I wipe away the remaining tears that streak my face.

"Oh , cam are you ok?" She begins to say.

"Yes. Im fine."

"You sure? Because I know that when a girl says she's fine she is the exact opposite."

"What was it you wanted to say?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"Oh nothing, me and your mum just need to talk to you in her office." At that moment I realized I havn't seen her since before we split up to go to blackthorne I remember watching her go off in the black SUV. I walk up to her and hug her.

"Ok" I say and we begin to walk.

I keep hold of zach's hand as we walk through the hall of history.

"zach it might be best if cammie speaks to her mum and I alo-"she doesnt get to finnish though because my mum has opened the door to her office and is saying "Abby, Cam come in, come in, Zach im sure you can come in too." And at that we step into the room famous for spaghetti and burritos (not in a good way). Me and zach sit on the leather sofa , abby sits on the arm of it and mum just sits in the chair behind her desk.

"Look cam, there isn't really an easy way so say this but, your still not safe. For all I know you wont be until the circle no longer exists. They wont stop trying to find you until they do." All the memories if the mountain and blackthorne rush into my head. From me and zachs kiss to the moment his mother pointed a gun at me.

"I know mum!" I said all my emotions being tipped out at one moment. Almost like a tap had been turned on, and they wouldnt stop flowing. "I know im not safe. And I know I probably wont be again. But I just dont want to think about if someone from the circle is tailing me constantly.  I just want everthing to be ok for once. Circle free."

Then abby starts "And that is exactly why Townsend and I are going to find them. Theres only one problem."
"What is it?" Zach says quickly,shifting hist weight to his feet.

"We dont know who is part of the inner circle, nobody does." And at this zach sinks back down onto the sofa beside me, and quietly curses in Turkish.
"Over summer you will both be staying with bex and her parents. It will be safe. her parents know the situation we are in and they promised to keep you safe. So dont make it any harder for them."

Once the conversation is over zach walks me to my room, only to find three worried roomates standing there looking between me and zach like disaproved parents

"Where exactly have you two been?" Bex says.

"Talking to abby and mum." I look at zach and say "mr. Goode and I are staying with you over summer."
She lets out a small squeal and all traces of her being mad have gone. But liz and macey still look concerned.

"Well he still shouldnt be in here." Macey says. Then I realise they are all in their pyjamas.

"What its not like I havent seen a girl in a," he looks directly at liz and she blushes. "nightdress before." I just look at him with disbelief.

"What?"he says he then points at himself as he says "spy" and then smirks. I havnt seen him like this for months. I hug him and he kisses my forehead. The girls just turn away and laugh.

"What?" I say "cant a girl hug her boyfriend?"

"Yes. ugh, but when the kissing comes in, just get a room for that."

So we do.

Zach pulls me along the corridor my hand in his , leading me to his room. Its lit by a small lamp just bright enough to make the room glow.

I then realise I dont have my night cloths to I stand up and start for the door. But im stopped by a shirtless broad shouldered boy.
"Zach I-"
"Here, Wear this." He holds out the top he was wearing and smirks. So I take it and walk over to the corner of the room. I begin to unbutton my shirt then stop and look over my shoulder. He is facing a wall with his back towads me. To be hosenst I think its kind of sweet.
I finnish changing and say "done." A signal for him to turn around.
"You know, you dont look bad with my shirt on." He smirks, I cant help but let out a small laugh
"its almost one in the morning." I say

I then turn around so that he can get changed too and when I feel the warmth of his hands on the small of my back and I turn around to face him and tiptoe so my eyes meet his when I say
"you know, you dont look bad without your shirt on." I say mimicking his tone before.
"I know" he says and then smirks once again.
"Cant you learn to smile blackthorne boy?"
He smirks again and says  "now where would be the fun in that, Gallagher girl?" He pushes me down to flat feet and I lean into his chest and listen to the steady beat of his heart.
"So I guess im gonna sleep on the floor. " I say
"No, I want to!" He insists
"But its your-" I dont get to Finnish because he picks me up and places me onto his bed. He moves the covers over me and kisses my forehead and whispers in my ear "goodnight gallagher girl," I smile and pull the duvet up to my chin "you know, when we were in your room that was the first time you've said im your boyfriend, I guess its official the-"
"Goodnight Zachary." I laugh and then I fall into a deep sleep.



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My instagram account - tobias_loves_beatrice

Stay smiley

Love you all




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