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"You need to tell us what happened," dad said. I looked up at them and my heart was racing. "You know what happened." I said. "Beth, if you don't talk to us, they will make you talk to the police." Polly said. I sighed. "Ok," I said quietly. They all nodded. "Start with the races. How did they get to you?" dad asked. "I was bored. I got up to walk around and take a break. They must have been following me because when I got to an empty hallway, Harvey pointed a gun at me and told me to go with him." I said. "I thought you had your knife," Polly said. I looked down. "I couldn't do it." I said quietly. "What?" Polly asked. "I couldn't use it." I said. They nodded with solem looks. "They put this rag over my mouth and it made it hard to breathe. Eventually, I passed out. I woke up in their car. I was tied up and blindfolded." I said. "Do you know how long you were in the car?" dad asked. I shook my head. "It felt like a while. Then they took me to this abandoned warehouse. They tied me to a chair and made me call you about the guns." I said. They nodded. "They didn't figure this out randomly, it was someone inside who ratted us out. They told me it was a Peaky Blinder." I said. "It was Freddie Thorne," Ada said. My face paled. "But I thought he-" I started. "We were wrong about him-" Polly snapped. I just nodded. "The next thing I remember was the phone call. Peter was angry when he found out you didn't have the guns. I remember him pointing a gun at me." I said. "Then what happened?" Ada asked. I just shook my head as silent tears fell. "Beth, talk to us." Polly said. "I don't want you to know what they did to me." I said quietly as I looked at my dad. His eyes were dark and he looked so angry. "Thomas, why don't you go give-" Ada started. "I'm not leaving her. Not again." he said sharply. "Thomas-" Polly warned. "No!" he shouted. I flinched and he stepped back. "I'm sorry, Beth. I didn't mean to frighten you." he said. "Dad, please. I won't ever be able to look at you again if I know you know what they did. Please," I said as my voice cracked. He looked at me as his eyes became glassy. He nodded slowly. "Ok, I'll go get some clothes for you," he said quietly.

Then he left. Polly and Ada turned back to me and I exhaled a shaky breath. "Tell us what happened next," Polly said. "They did it," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "You need to be specific." Ada said softly. "They raped me. All of them." I said. "Where was this William boy?" Polly asked. "He- he wasn't there. I think they had him in another room." I said. They just nodded. I spent the next hour telling them everything that happened. When I was done, they both were crying. I just stared at the wall. "Why don't you get some rest?" Ada suggested. I just nodded. Then I went to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later and dad was back. He brought me a nightgown to change into and my blanket. Then I ate some soup. I kept having flashbacks as I ate. I remembered what I had to do in the past to get food. "I want to know more about Will." dad said. I looked at him strangely. "Why?" I asked. "Because he's a Colby. Why would they keep one of their own captive?" he asked. "He wasn't a part of what they do. He doesn't do what his family does. At the races, he saw them take me. He wasn't supposed to and he threatened to go to the cops. So they held him there too." I said. "Then why was he pointing a gun at you?" he asked. "He knew that if it wasn't him holding the gun, it would be someone else. Someone who would actually use it. He wanted his finger on the trigger so I was safe." I said. Dad just nodded and didn't do anything.


I've been in the hospital for days now. People take turns staying with me. I mostly just read and sleep. I want Will back. It's my fault he's dead. They shouldn't have killed him. He wasn't innocent but he wasn't guilty either.

I was sitting by the window and reading my book when John came in. I looked up at him as he looked around and shut the door. "What's wrong?" I asked. "We need to talk," he said plainly. I nodded as he pulled up a chair in front of me. He sat down and rubbed his eyes. "Tell me the truth about William Colby." he said. My face paled and my eyes widened. "What?" I asked. "The truth, Elizabeth!" he said sharply. "I don't know what you mean!" I exclaimed. "When Tommy told me what you told him, I didn't say anything. I wanted to talk to you first. So I'm giving you one chance. Right here, right now. Tell me the truth." he said. I stayed dead silent. "I know William Colby wasn't an innocent hostage. I know who his father is, I know he was a part of their gang and all their activities. Hell, he was there when I got jumped a year ago." he said. My face fell and my eyes watered. He looked at me with concern. "Why are you protecting him?" he asked. "He's not a bad person." I said quietly. "What?" John said. "He helped me. He gave me food and water. He took care of my injuries. And he never laid a hand on me." I said. "He held you hostage." John said. I shook my head rapidly. "His father did that. He didn't want to." I said. "But he did." John snapped. Tears fell to my cheeks. "I'm sorry, Beth. Whatever trauma bond you formed with this kid, it doesn't excuse what he did. I have to tell Tommy." he said as he stood up. "No!" I yelled. I jumped up and grabbed his arm. "You can't!" I said. "I really am sorry, Beth."

Then he disappeared out the door.

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