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My name is Elizabeth Shelby. My father is Thomas Shelby of the Peaky Blinders. The Peaky Blinders don't just fix races and run the black market. They aren't just a gang, they're an empire. But they are also my family. And they are all I've got. So I'm grateful. The war was hell and not everyone made it out. Everyone knows my dad is a ruthless man but at least he's alive. Though he struggles to show a warm side as a father, I understand why. He's been through a lot. My mother died during childbirth and I never knew her. My dad doesn't talk about her. Aunt Polly tells me what she can and Uncle Arthur does sometimes. I've seen a few photos but that's it. All I know for sure is my dad loved her and when she died, he was heartbroken. I miss her, I do. It's just confusing to miss someone I never knew. I think I miss having a mother most of all.

As I grew up, I quickly realized the illegal nature of what my family does. My dad also quickly realized how smart and strategic I am. He realized how similar we are. I reckon he wanted me to join the family business. Only I have one thing he seems to lack, a conscience. Who would have thought Thomas Shelby's daughter would be the one with a moral compass. So every family meeting, my dad called me in and I sat there silent. I listen to them make plans and decisions. My dad used to look at me, waiting for me to give my ideas or thoughts, but I never did. He gave up long ago. Now it's an unspoken rule that I will never be involved in his business.

Unfortunately, his enemies didn't care.

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