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"Elizabeth!" I felt someone shaking me and pressing their fingers to my neck. "Elizabeth, wake up! Please!" I opened my eyes and William was kneeling in front of me with his hands on my shoulders. I pulled away as my eyes filled with tears. "Get away from me!" I yelled. He stepped away with his hands up. "I'm sorry, ok? I'm sorry. But I had no choice." he said. "You bastard! You had a choice. You chose to sit there and watch!" I said. "If they kick me out of here because they think I like you, who do you think is going to help you?" he asked. "I don't want your help." I said. "I don't care. You need it." he said. I glared at him. "You are just like your father." I said. He stopped and stared at me. "I'm sorry," he said. Tears fell to my cheeks and he pulled out a knife. My eyes widened but he just cut the ropes. "You need to eat," he said. I nodded and he handed me a sandwich and water. We sat there quietly while I ate. I could tell he kept making sure his eyes were on the floor. He refused to look at me without any clothes on. Or maybe it was all the dark bruises on my ribs and hickeys from his own father on my neck. When I finished, he cleaned my cuts and bruises. "How many days has it been?" I asked. He exhaled heavily. "4 days." he said. I just nodded. "Do you need anything else?" he asked. I paused. I have to at least ask."William-" I started. "It's Will," he said. I looked at him quickly. "What?" I said. "My father calls me William. Call me Will." he said. I nodded. "My name is Beth. People- they call me Beth." I said. He nodded. "Will, can you- can I please call my dad?" I asked. He stopped in his tracks and looked at me. "You keep saying I might die here and you are right. I just want to say goodbye." I said. He stared at me. "I have no idea where I am and there's nothing I can tell him that could help him find me. I just need to say goodbye. Please?" I asked. He sighed. "You know they'll never let that happen," he said. My heart broke and I nodded. "I have to tie you up again." he said. I looked at him with wide eyes. "Why?" I asked. "They told me to." he said. I stood up and backed up until I hit the wall. I shook my head rapidly as tears fell. "No. No, no, no, no." I said. He looked so exhausted. "Please don't make me force you, Beth." he said. "Please Will," I begged as he walked towards me with rope in his hands. "I don't want to force you but I will." he said. He gently grabbed my hand and pulled on it. "Please Beth," he said, his voice catching as he said my name. I choked back a sob and nodded. I let him lead me to the chair and I sat back down. He tied my feet to the chair and then my left wrist. Then he wrapped the ropes around my right wrist and I swear I saw tears in his eyes. "Will, are you-" I started. "I'm fine," he said sharply. Then he stood up quickly and walked out.

I was sleeping when the sound of the door opening woke me up. It was still dark. Mostly. I think the sun was starting to rise. I looked closer and saw Will creeping in and he had the phone in his hand. "Will?" I said. "Shhhhh" he whispered. He cut the ropes and pulled us to the back corner of the room. "They are sleeping and we don't have much time," he said. "They could kill you for this." I said. "At least I'll die for a good reason," he said. I just stared at him. He dialed the number and handed me the phone. "Here" he whispered. I held the phone to my ear and prayed dad answered. A tired and sad voice spoke after 2 rings. "Hello?" It was John. "John?" I said. "Beth? Fucking hell, where are you? Are you ok?" he asked. "Where's my dad?" I asked. "Thomas, get in here!" he yelled. I heard a rustling and then dad spoke. "Beth, is that really you?" he said. "It is. Dad, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. For everything. I love you so much." I said. "Elizabeth, I love you. It's going to be ok. We're going to get you back." he said. "It's ok, dad. I want you to know, if you don't, it's not your fault. None of this is." I said. "Beth, I'm getting you back. Just help me find you. Where are you? How are you calling me?" he asked. "That's not important. I just need to know you're going to be ok if I'm gone." I said. "Don't talk like that," he said. "Dad, you can't give the Colby's the guns. They'll wipe everyone out if you do. You can't make this deal." I said. "This isn't up for discussion, I love you and I'm getting you back." he said. "I love you too. Please don't-''I started. Then the door burst open.

"Are you fucking mad?" Harvey yelled. "You gave her a phone?" Richard shouted. "She was just saying goodbye to her dad." Will said. "You fucking idiot!" Marc yelled. Peter grabbed the phone away and Richard grabbed me. He held me back and Harvey and Peter grabbed Will. "Don't!" I yelled. Then they threw him to the floor and started kicking and punching. His father just watched. "Stop it! Please! He didn't do anything. I made him help me, please!" I yelled. Will was bloody and barely conscious on the floor. "Say goodbye to your loverboy. You'll never see him again." Richard hissed in my ear. Tears poured down my cheeks and I ripped myself from his arms. I ran over and pushed Harvey. "Leave him alone!" I yelled. He stumbled back and laughed. "She's got that fire back in her," he said smugly. "Take William out. When he can handle business like a real man, he can return." Marc said. They dragged him out and I watched in horror. Then Richard grabbed me again and Marc walked over. "Don't worry, we can put out that fire very quickly," he said. Richard threw me back on the floor and they walked out. I ran over to the door and pounded my fists against it. "Will!" I screamed. "William!" I screamed again. But he was gone. It was my fault.


I held the phone in my hand and listened to the sound of the dead line. Polly walked over and put the phone down. "Thomas-' she started. "She thinks she's going to die." I said. She looked at me with sorrow. "My daughter just said goodbye to me in case she dies." I said. It was my fault.

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