7Mouth Breather

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Darkness. Darkness in every corner of the stone room was all that I could make out when my eyes finally opened. I felt sick, nauseous and weak. I wanted to sleep, feeling dizzy as I slowly came back to my senses.

My head was pounding. And as I reached full consciousness, I felt ropes around my hands practically cutting into my wrists. I swallowed, barely able to at the tightness in my throat. A small whimper escaped my lips, hands instinctively tugging at the ropes, trying to free myself even when I knew it was useless. My eyes fell shut again, head dropping forward, but just as I was about to let myself give way again, a groan behind my back caught my attention and my eyes shot back open.

That's when I noticed someone's body heat was radiating onto my back. "Jimin?" My voice was weak, barely audible but there was a response from him either way. "Jimin!" I forced my hoarse voice to call out louder.

Another groan, before he started responding fully, wrists also trying to free themselves from the rope but it only caused us both more pain.

I hissed, tried stopping him from moving but he was frantic, only pulling and tugging harder. "J-Jimin, stop. It's useless." I was out of breath, I wouldn't manage to stay conscious much longer and more blood loss didn't seem good at this moment either. My eyes landed on my legs. They were very badly cut and bruised, more than they were when I was injured last time. Noticing this only made me more conscious of the harm, bringing me more pain as I spotted another cut running over my thigh, exposing my leg bone.

I whimper, bursting into tears after. My head shot up again, trying to make out an escape route but there was nothing, at least not in my line of view, tears blurring 70% of the light reflecting on my retina. "Jimin?"

My call was useless, I was too caught up in my own pain that I didn't even notice that Jimin entirely stopped moving. "Jimin!"

I squirmed, trying to wake him up by moving my shoulders but I didn't get any response.

A sudden loud bang made me still my movements. I gulped, listening and trying to find out what the sound was. I soon realized that it was a door being opened.

Menacing chuckles soon filled the air and my fear only increased tenfold. If my heart wasn't beating out of my chest before, it sure was now.

"You know. Usually when people are locked up, they try to stay quiet as to not attract attention to themselves and get themselves into trouble. You, though..." The man tsked at me, footsteps clacking against the floor as he came closer. "You're just shouting in here. Very brave, I have to say."

When the man stepped into my view, I didn't recognize him at first, but soon realised that it was the same guy that had been in Jungkook's office. Jaebum?

I glared at him as violently as I could manage to at that moment, trying to get him to see that he had no power over me, but that was the worst thing I could've done in that moment, apparently. He decided then that it would be a good thing to show me that he in fact did have power over me as he landed a harsh slap across my face, the impact moving my gaze to the side.

It stung like shit but I wasn't about to let him find that out.

He chuckled again. "You're going to be a problem." His hand came up to his face, scratching his chin. "I have a solution for that though."

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