Tucker: fifth time. I'll go, it saves me from getting my ass handed to me. I swear we're gonna need a forklift for this guy.

Tucker and the soldier left as Thea processes to take off her helmet to reveal her hair getting longer. She runs her hand into her hair.

Thea: It's getting longer. I really need a haircut.

???: Don't do that.

Thea turns around to see Felix standing behind her in his armor.

Felix: Don't cut you hair. It makes you more attractive.

Thea: Uh, thanks. But I really need a haircut it's too much of a hassle.

Felix was about to say something when another soldier came in.

New republic Soldier 2: General Kimball would like to speak with ma'am.

Thea: All right. See y'a Felix.

Thea puts her helmet back on and follows the soldier. Unknown to her, Felix was staring at her ass.

Felix: I can not wait for the day to come, Thea Church.

Thea enters the office to see the others arguing.

Simmons: You can't keep doing this Grif!

Grif: I'm still grieving Simmons!

Tucker: It literally took a forklift to get you out of there!

Thea looks at them arguing when a voice cleared their throat. They turn their heads to see Kimball standing there with her arms crossed.

Thea: Kimball.

The fall in line and she looks at them.

Kimball: At ease. Do you know why I've asked you here?

Thea: Is it about our friends?

Kimball: No. I've decided to promote you five to captain.

They looked at her shocked.

Thea: Whoa really?

Tucker: Awesome.

Simmons: Are you sure that's wise?

Grif: This is gonna be great!

Caboose: I think it's neat.

Kimball: Yes. You have squads and everything.

Thea: Do we pick out our Lieutenant?

Kimball: Their already picked and ready to go.

They step outside to see five lieutenants with tan armor but different colors. One was blue, one was maroon, one was orange, one was aqua and one was cherry.

Kimball: Lieutenants, these are your captains. Their gonna train you for the fight with the feds.

Thea: Let's introduce ourselves.

Caboose: Hello! I am Michael J. Caboose. But everyone calls me Caboose.

Tucker: Sup everyone, I'm Lavernius Tucker but everyone calls me Tucker.

Simmons: Hi, I'm Dick Simmons and everyone calls me Simmons.

Grif: Sup, I'm Dexter Grif but nobody calls me Dexter.

Thea: Hi everyone, my name is Thea Church but-.

???: Whoa! Wait a second! Did you just say Church?

Thea: Uh, yeah. Why?

Kimball: Is everything alright Lieutenant Jefferson?

Jefferson: Okay? Everything is so damn perfect! I know this chick!

Red vs blue (female OC) season 11Where stories live. Discover now