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Warning: Major character death.

Zhou Zishu couldn't hide his white strands any longer. His hair grew whiter and thinner as the days passed as his unstable heartbeats dragged his weak body as long as possible. The seven years he spent with Lao Wen were the happiest times of his long life; and right from the first time his eyes met Lao Wen's in this life, deep down he already knew, that even one month spent with his soulmate was worth more than a hundred years of grief. And he'd do it all over again for one more touch or another glance...

This was the first time he labeled himself lucky. He was fortunate to live for seven more years before his body eventually began to wither. It started with his hair, every time he ran his hands through, few hairs would come out in between his fingers until the few hairs became many, and the dark color gradually turned grey. His senses began to fade, his vision blurred along the years, his hearing weakened and his hands were no longer the strong ones that once held a sword. He didn't age much in appearance as much as he felt it from within, he felt himself aging from inside out.

He knew his time has come.

It was a familiar feeling, death. He was experienced in facing death and he recognized both the ease and unease that precedes it. He had stood at the edge of hell many times before being pulled back each time and given one more chance at life, chances he didn't want or didn't deserve...

Zhou Zishu smiled as he glanced at himself in the mirror, his hair half grey, eyes weary and tired, his once bright skin dimmer than before. He had woken up this morning with that gut feeling which he kept to himself, and as he observed his reflection, he somehow felt happy.

He could finally die a peaceful death with his soulmate by his side, away from all the chaos and grief and unwanted sacrifices. He could finally make a choice, it was his own and Wen Kexing accepted it. He was ready, ready to leave silently, with light steps, hoping that he'll climb a stairway to heaven rather than fall into an abyss of hell.

"A-Xu." Wen Kexing called, appearing behind A-Xu in the mirror, wrapping his hands around A-Xu's waist gently, "I have been calling you for a while, you didn't hear me. You seem lost in thought." He rubbed his nose against A-Xu's neck, inhaling his scent. "What are you thinking about?"

"Lao Wen..." Zhou Zishu turned around to face Lao Wen, his eyes carrying an emotion that Wen Kexing couldn't comprehend. He slowly brought Wen Kexing into an embrace, tighter than the ones he usually gave. "Take me somewhere tonight, will you?"

Wen Kexing smiled and didn't hesitate to hug him back, "Where to? My beautiful, A-Xu."

A-Xu huffed and backed away, "you still call me beautiful even when I'm like this." He gestured to his hair, "Love is indeed blind."

"You'll always be beautiful, no matter how you look."

"It doesn't surprise me, you still stalked me when I disguised as a beggar, grey hair and tired eyes won't stop your flirting."

"A-Xu," Lao Wen took Zhou Zishu's hand and led him to the fluffy carpet by the window, seating A-Xu down in between the cushions as he slid beside him, "It's raining, can we stay in today?" Wen Kexing suggested, leaning back and placing his head in A-Xu's lap, looking up at him with sweet, irresistible pleading eyes, "I hate the rain, it reminds me of many bad memories."

"Raining already?" A-Xu looked at the window, the raindrops gathering slowly on the clear glass. "Are you cold?" he asked, reaching out for a blanket, placing it over Lao Wen.

"You seem strange today." Wen Kexing admitted, snuggling under the blanket. "Softer."

"I've always been soft with you." A-Xu giggled as he played with Lao Wen's hair.

"So you admit?" Wen Kexing grinned, "That you're soft?"

"I'll still punch your face if you get too annoying."

"A-Xu!" Wen Kexing pouted, furrowing his brows, "so mean!" He covered his face with the blanket and huddled closer against A-Xu, "what time is it?"

A-Xu glanced at the clock on the wall, holding Lao Wen tenderly, rocking back and forth playfully, "About seven."

"I'll take a short nap." Wen Kexing entwined his fingers with A-Xu's, smiling contently. "It's not every day that you hold me like this."

"Lao Wen, you make it sound like I'm heartless."

"You didn't like physical contact as much before." Lao Wen closed his eyes, sinking deeper under the blanket, his hand still in A-Xu's, "A-Xu, I'll take you somewhere nice tomorrow."

But Zhou Zishu didn't know if his body will survive the night. He let out a sigh of comfort, glancing down at Lao Wen's closed eyes in adoration as he felt a tear sneak its way down his cheek. He wiped it quickly before it could drop on Lao Wen's face, smiling fondly, happily as he felt his ending approach. He leaned against the window, glancing at the night sky, rain glistening on the glass as it reflected the street lights outside. The flash of lightning and the sound of thunder and rain reminded him of that time Wen Kexing knelt at his doorstep and begged him for forgiveness.

Rain, it did indeed carry bad memories.

"Lao Wen...?" He whispered.

"A-Xu..." Wen Kexing whispered back.

"Do you ever... Blame me?"

Wen Kexing went silent for a while, he took a deep breath and smiled sleepily, "Never..."

Zhou Zishu smiled wider, nodding happily, his heart harboring the zenith of happiness. He clutched the jar necklace dangling over his chest, closed his eyes and leaned back, feeling himself drifting into deep, peaceful and everlasting sleep.


The sound of thunder had startled Wen Kexing as he woke up to a cold hand in his own, "A-Xu?" He rubbed A-Xu's hand in both of his, "are you feeling cold? Let's move to bed."

"A-Xu?" Wen Kexing waited for a response, but came none. "A-Xu?" He sat up slowly, looking at A-Xu's face to see his lips shaped into a faint smile. He nudged him gently, "What are you dreaming about? You're all smiles." He joked, rubbing his arm and shaking him gently, "Let's go to bed."

But A-Xu didn't even flinch.

Wen Kexing's lips shivered, realization exploding over his head, dread blurring his eyes with tears. "A-Xu?!" He shook him harder, taking his face in his hands and his skin was cold. "A-Xu?! Open your eyes!" He whispered, "Open your eyes, please, look at me!" He cried, denying that the moment he feared most had already come, "No, no... A-Xu, not yet, not yet!" He sobbed, tapping gently on A-Xu's cheek, "wake up, I'm not ready yet!" He shook him some more, bending down to listen to A-Xu's silent heart, "Don't die on me now, A-Xu! I have tomorrow all planned out, just one more day! Just one more day!"

But A-Xu couldn't hear any of Wen Kexing's pleas.

"A-Xu..." Wen Kexing placed his forehead on A-Xu's, a gesture once used in violence and then in love, was now used in goodbyes, "Just one more day..." He wept, tears dropping on A-Xu's cold, still smiling face.

"A-Xu..." Wen Kexing whispered, shaking his head against A-Xu's forehead, smiling and crying at the same time, "You're a fool to think that I'm strong enough to live without you."

Wen Kexing sobbed some more but then he pulled back and stared at A-Xu's peaceful face, "my dear A-Xu..." he leaned in, his lips catching A-Xu's cold ones in a gentle kiss, "You and I, even death won't do us part."


Hi! Long time, this epilogue was half written and I finished it today. Thank you for reading, If you liked it, a vote would be nice! Hugs and love, stay safe.

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