Chapter 9: The Vampire's Jealous Friend

Start from the beginning

Sharon returned the wave with a smile. Abbey smiled, following suit, "Isn't it nice to receive a change?"

Nothing different appeared from Sharon's attire. The prior dark shorts she had on before were replaced with another dark pair in Sharon's size. However, the tone of her cheeks was redder than before. "Yeah, I see what you meant by enjoying Teresa's care."

"Teehee, Teresa takes great care of us, doesn't she?" Abbey responded.

"Yeah, she didn't hesitate to help me at all," Sharon smiled. "Though..." Sharon began twiddling her thumbs. "She did tell me I'll have to wear protection for naptime now. Not only that but...if I wanted to wear any now."

A vague memory popped into my head of Teresa doing just about the same for me. However, I'm sure she was only joking for wearing the protection now part. "She was joking right," I stated.

Sharon turned red at my statement.

Abbey pounded her palms to the table in excitement, "Are you wearing a diaper!"

Sharon shook her head, "No, but I'm wearing a pull-up. I did think about the diaper but thought it might've been a little much right now."

"That's okay," Abbey responded. "Now we all are wearing protection!"

I nodded in Abbey's response. If what Sharon states were true, we all were indeed wearing a form of protection.

"Haha yeah," Sharon laughed. "Though you two are wearing diapers, and I'm in a pull-up."

"Eh, it's still protection regardless. I always knew you'd enjoy wearing them too!"

"Now now," Sharon replied. "I haven't gotten used to it yet." Sharon began shifting in her seat. There wasn't a way to tell if she wore pull-ups or not, even with my royal-vampire senses. However, Sharon was our friend that we could trust.

"Well, now that we are all wearing padding, what should us um...." I began to blush. "Babies wike to do...eep!" My infantile tongue accidentally slipped out.

"Heehee, pway with cards," Abbey joined along.

"I uh," Sharon thought to herself. "Would also wike to pway?" Her infantile tongue failed to match the standards of Abbey and myself.

"Huhuhu," Abbey snarked with pride. "You have much to wearn, my fehwow baby!"

"Yes, teach me the ways," Sharon smirked.

"Very well. My first wesson, diapers are da best."

"Okay, diapers are great...though I'm in a pull-up."

"Wesson two, it okay to accident."

"Okay, it okay to accident." Sharon turned red after repeating that phrase.

Abbey continued compiling random baby rules for Sharon as I got a deck of go fish cards ready for us "baby-trio" to use.

Near the time of my departure, I found myself wishing to stay longer. Though my diaper was now thoroughly soaked, I held the cards in my hand dear.

Feeling Teresa's warm presence near me, I let my guard down. I knew she only wished to check on how we were currently doing. Most importantly, for a certain status.

"Viki," Teresa whispered in my ear. "You're wet; we'll need to change you. Let me check your friends first, though." As she stated, Teresa went one by one around the table. She whispered into Abbey's ear after shifting through her waist, "You're wet, Abbey, come with me for a change." Abbey stood up, following behind Teresa, who stopped at Sharon performing the same check. This confirmed what Sharon told us about her being changed in a pull-up. However, I was surprised to hear the next whisper. "Sharon, you are also wet. I'll have to change the three of you." Sharon proceeded to follow behind Teresa.

Given the two girls already following Teresa, I joined her side as well.

Abbey skipped across as we walked into the walkway, "We all have accident!"

Sharon looked over with a blush, "It okay to accident."

"Yup, it's completely okay!" Teresa confirmed.

I couldn't help smile to myself within this group of girls who have wet themselves. I may be very different from humans being a vampire, but I feel like they are similar to me acting like a baby! Or well acting like a child. Giggling to myself, I led the line-up with my diaper change.

With a clean diaper, the time past departure, I happily sat in the vehicle. My mother next to me with her hands on the wheel. However, a fanged grin appeared as she gazed to my side.

Hmm, now that I think about it. Abbey and Sharon both have had accidents now. Does that mean it's common for humans to have that many accidents?

Curious about my thought, I turned to face my mother. "I'm curious about something," I initiated the conversation. "Do humans have many accidents during the day or night?"

Mother stood silent for a few seconds, "Hmm, I'm not that familiar with humans, to be fair. I know some vampires go through similar experiences as you have gone through. However, it is rare. Most vampires are potty-trained by one and likely never wet the bed." She looked over at me. "You know, we had you trained at one and a half, though."

"Really?" I tilted my head. Am I that different from my own kind? One who trained later and wets the bed...

"Yeah," she continued. "We were relatively busy at the time, however, when you turned one. Miranda was at her early stages of being a maid, too, now that I think about it."

"Oh really? Hehe, Miranda just starting as a maid." The thought of it caused me to giggle. "Did she make many mistakes?"

"Of course," she smirked.

The thought of me being different resurfaced, "I'm curious what makes me so different then? I wet the bed; I'm really not sure why either?"

"Your father, and I was rather surprised at first when you did start wetting the bed. I remember him brooding over it the first day, worrying how our sweet daughter was feeling. But, it really isn't a problem now, which we're glad for. Although," she smirked. "I guess you are just our special wittle princess now!"

"Heehee," I giggled. "I wike being special!"

"I enjoy you being my special daughter as well!" She leaned over, giving a slight tickle to my side.

"Ehehe," I fidgeted with giggles.

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