Chapter Sixty-Six

Start from the beginning

Nix and I talked for hours about it, ultimately agreeing with the advice of our doctor. The health of our little love is far more important than anything else, and we wanted to make sure we did what we could to bring the baby safely into this world. Aunt Ava had Mia and Lily through a c-section, so it was nice to hear her encouragement and support when I told our family the news. On April 23rd, we will be welcoming our first child together. Now that we have had it planned for a while, it's been nice knowing the exact date because we can be more prepared, counting down the days, minutes, and seconds until the best day of our lives.

In only a few days, our whole family is flying out to Florida to be there when he or she arrives. We decided not to find out the gender and keep it a surprise. It's been torture not knowing, but it's been a lot of fun trying to guess. Phoenix says he wants a boy so he could be the protector of the other several kids that he told me we were having. I don't know who is going to be popping out all those babies, but it for sure is not going to be me. There isn't one I want more than the other, to be honest. However, something about imagining Nixie holding a sweet baby girl in his arms makes my heart melt. But boy or girl, our baby is going to have him wrapped around their fingers. That man may act tough, yet he's got the most gentle soul. There isn't another person I would ever want to experience this time in my life with than Phoenix.

"Aw, come on, man!" Ryder shouted from down the hall.

"Now we have to start all over again," Nix's voice followed his in frustration.

Vee and I gave each other curious looks before making our way towards Phoenix and my bedroom. We stood at the doorway to find Sam sulking on the end of the bed as Ryder, Kole, and Nix were taking apart the new crib that just came in the mail today.

"How's it going in here?" I asked curiously.

Vee crossed her arms. "Did you guys have so much fun building it that you wanted to do it all over again?" She spoke with a chuckle.

Kole turned back, giving us an annoyed look. "No, we were halfway through until we realized someone was giving us shitty directions and forgot to mention we were supposed to drill the base in before anything else because there was no way to do it later on."

"It was in tiny ass fucking writing. How the hell is anyone supposed to read that?" Sam spoke up defensively.

"I knew we shouldn't have trusted that he knew anything about cribs," Nix shook his head, searching for a part he needed.

Sam's forehead creased. "All I said was that I helped my cousin put together theirs a few years back!"

"Yeah, but when you told us you acted like you were Bob the fucking Builder," Ryder said.

Vee and I tried our hardest not to laugh, but with the drama kings in the room, it was impossible.

"Can we fix it?" Vee sang.

I grinned. "Yes, we can!"

The guys looked over at us like they had enough of our shenanigans for the day. Too bad they are stuck with us forever.

"You two are real funny," Sam flashed a sarcastic smile.

"Aw, don't let these dummies bully you," Vee walked over to him. "You'll be my Bob the Builder no matter what they say."

His mouth slowly curved into a smile. "What benefits are offered with that title?"

She let out a sweet laugh. "We can talk details later on."

"Oh yeah?" Sam put his arms around Vee's waist as she leaned down, kissing him softly.

"Yes, sir."

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