4. TXT sunbaes ? ✨

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It's been few weeks since yn had started her training at BigHit. Minchae was taking 2 days off since she was having a fever. So yn was alone today and tomorrow. Yn was using one of the practice rooms since the dance instructor had given her a assignment to do a short minute dance self choreography and show it in two days.   Yn was trying out different steps for a specific part since she was getting stuck there.

??: Hey you should not stress too much. Dancing should be abt fun too. Take a minute let loose and be free and then try you will get it I'm sure.

Yn: Ahh!!!! .... oh Yeonjun sunbae sry didn't see / hear you entering...

Yjn: it's ok. Anyway... Like I was saying don't put pressure on yourself. Let you heart and body guide u .

Yn: uh thnx alot.

????: Oh hyung your here oh wait who is this...

Yjn: yeah I was just watching her dance.

Yn: Hello ( bows) I'm Kim Yn ... Im the new female trainee...

Sbn: i know we should not ask a girl or a lady for age but just so there is no future misunderstandings with wht we call you ... What year are you born in.?

Yn: oh ya it's ok. I'm born in 2001.

BMG: yaay someone my age..

Thn& Hnk: so your our noona?

Yn: ya but you don't have to call me noona. Just call me yn / Jin / JinAh . Which ever is comfortable.

Thn& Hnk: then we are gonna call you noona.

Yn: well.. I don't think I'll get out of this one so whatever....

Sbn: anyway we have to go now hope we'll see you around alot

Yn: I also hope the same . And bye .. also thnk you the tips sunbae.

Yjn: um just don't call me sunbae. It feels a bit weird to be called tht. Call me Yeonjun instead.

Yn: ok Yeonjun ssi. 


After her training schedule for the day ended she quickly packed up and exited the company and quickly went back to her dorm she let herself in with the key she had.. so tht she won't disturb the sick dorm mate probably sleeping in their bed room. Yn then went to take a shower and changed into comfy clothes and prepared something for Minchae to eat. And brought her medicine along with the food. And after making sure min chae ate and had her medicine Yn went to eat her dinner and went to sleep...

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