02 ○ The Agreement ✔

Start from the beginning

When it's all good, I closed it. I then proceeded to do my usual thing.

I opened the fridge and grab the cold milk then closing it. I then look up and saw that I, again put my favorite cereal in the top counter.

I sigh before going in stance then jumped really high and thankfully the world is on my side when I got the cereal on my hands as I land safely on the floor with my feet.

I then poured the cereal before milk on a bowl. I grab a spoon and well it's done.

Ting 🥞

I turned around to the maker. The waffles is done and ready to eat but I still need to cut it and serve it with syrup.

After, I put the three plates to the dining table, mine and for the two creepypastas.

"Is t-that for us!?" a squeaky voice below yelled. I look down to see Toby and Ben looking back up at me. Toby had his goggles up to his hair which made me adore his doe eyes.

"Yes, you think I can it up these three plates?" I crouched down and scooped the two of them and transfer them to the dining table. "You can eat up. I already served that with the same amount of syrup like last time." I added.

I took a seat and squinted my eyes "By the way, Ben. Why are you crying out blood?" I can visibly see Toby giggling while Ben casted a shadow over his eyes "WELL!? THOSE ARE PERMANENT TO MY FACE SO I WOULDN'T LOOK LIKE LINK!" he angrily yelled at me.

"Oh demon. Calm down. Im just asking." I stated with a huffing tone before I rolled my eyes but Ben seem to notice it, "Oi! Don't you dare roll your eyes on me missy!"

"D-don't mind him [Y-Y/N]. He's j-just on his p-period!" laughing said by Toby and I can't help but join him, leaving an angry Ben eat his waffles while cussing words under his breath.

I mean, Toby might be right. Ben does act like he's on his period like can you calm down Link wanna be? But im not gonna say that, he might just be Link's long lost brother and I just don't know it!

I did play Legend of Zelda long ago but I still remember it like it's yesterday.

"Jokes aside, finish your breakfast up cause we'll go to the city square to buy some.. Small necessities for you two ok? We'll get to know each other other in our way there." I said and the two nodded cause they have waffles stuffed on their mouth.

✧˚ · .·˚ ༘

"Welcome again, sweet cheeks!" Kyle did finger guns and 'pew pew'd' at me. It was kind of cute when he did.

We are now at the pet store. I brought my [Favorite/Color] purse so the two creepypastas have something to hide on.

I look around to see if any pets we're adopted again and there were none around. I swiftly turned my head to Kyle who still looked at me with a smile, "If you're wondering where the dogs and cats go, they're transferred to another store, safe and sound!"

He said before adding, "Guess you didn't notice the 'Closed' sign on the door but that's ok if it's you!" I flinched  as I look around carefully. The lights were off making it dim and the only source of light that Kyle has is the sun light from the outside.

"But do not worry! There's a new batch of poor lonely pets coming here!"

"Oh. Im sorry then. Im going. Text me if the new batch comes around.." I then exited the store and I can hear my phone 'ting'. I look back to see Kyle holding his phone while creepily looking back to me. Smiling.

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