04 ○ Nuisance ✔

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"Just take my hand nuisance." he look away with a tint of red right on his cheeks. I shrugged before harshly grabbing onto him to stand up, resulting for us to switch place. Im standing and now he's on the floor.

"Hey! Crazy human!" he exclaimed and I can't help but let out a chuckle "That's for making me run around this dimension of yours!" I laughed as he stand up with no choice but to bare with me.

"Cough, anyways. That's all I've actually want to show you. But im going to explain the summary of everything for you so don't cut me off, ok?" I nod and he took a deep breath and start explaining,

"As you have known, we- me and Toby are creepypastas along with some others that are somewhere. Creepypastas are a group of killers that puddled up in this city on the forest- Slender Forest or Slender Woods. Our leader or boss is Slenderman himself ofcourse and our enemy is someone named Zalgo. A devil that comes to life every century to just declare war on us and lose over and over again.

But this time, some of us left the mansion- the mansion that burned down earlier that I showed you. I don't know why they left but they're marked as traitors. We used to be a bunch of creepypastas that count up to 80+ but now we got decreased to 9. And Zalgo then popped up and again, declared war and we tried claiming the lose so no one would die but Zalgo wants us to die.

So Slenderman called the others.. Forcefully... And made them fight Zalgo but some of them turned sides and fight for Zalgo instead and we are losing but this something something little girl's voice ringed through my head then poof! We black out and..!We're tiny! I don't know if that make sense cause I forgot the most of it! I-We lose most of our memories!"

He yelled the last part in frustration. I can tell that he's trying hard to jog his memory. To be honest, I didn't understand him but for the sake of his explanation, im going to pretend I do.

I cleared my throat, "Ben, I know you're trying hard to remember everything but don't push yourself, your brain might pop up then you'll be an idiot and you shall know that I hate idiots." I joked but something lighted at Ben's eyes, telling me that he probably didn't take that joke.

"Why..." he mumbled and I frantically waved my arms around, "H-hey! Im joking okay?" he snapped out of that and puffed his cheeks at me "Well, then I don't like jokers! ... Especially a joker reject..." he whispered the last part making me lean closer to him "What did you say? I didn't quite understand it.."

He scratched the back of his head "That's nothing, nothing important!" I shrugged as he said that and asked, "Uhm, What do we do now?"

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Ben/BEN Drowned POV

"Uhm, What do we do now?" they asked me and I gave it a thought. 'Why didn't I tell them about Jeff? What was that earlier? Should I tell them about myself more?' something inside me ushered to not tell them about Jeff and that I should keep them longer in my dimension.

Chills waved at me and I shrugged those thoughts off and look at [Y/N], "Nah, nothing else. Let's go back." they look at me blank for a second before running a hand through their hair "Okay then."

They look awfully familiar to me. Did they happen to be one of my victims that lived? No, they'll remember me if that's it. What if they had an amnesia? Gah im over thinking this!

Yandere! Creepypasta x Reader 『Package』Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin