22 : Vibes

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"You didn't feel like telling me that Alya Nawaz paid our bills." I yell at Jacob in the kitchen.

"We needed it. She offered, I took it." He shrugs.

I clench my fists before raking my hand through my hair, "We need to find Mum or else we'll both be put in care."

"She's here."

I raise my eyebrows in surprise, "What?"

"She came home this afternoon, I'm presuming."

"Where is she then?"

"Upstairs." He pulls a chocolate digestive out of the biscuit tin.


"In her room." He mumbles.


There's a knock at the door and I rest my head on the counter, not wanting to answer it.

But whoever's there doesn't stop.




"Coming!" I shout, trudging slowly over to the door.

I open it, finally silencing the annoying knocking.

Cory, Riz and Naveed stand in front of me, each of them with a bottle of cider - Cory with two, one presumably for me.

"Hello?" I tilt my head.

"You've been miserable lately. It's boring and we are sick of it." Naveed says.

"So we want you to come out with us to park. Riz brought his speaker so we can blast music and the weather guy said that's is gonna rain in a few minutes. So we can dance in the rain." Cory smirks.

"It's gonna be fun." Riz adds, "Trust us."

Cory pushes past me and pulls my AF1s off the small shelf. I watch him as he stands back beside Naveed.

"I could've done that by myself but whatever." I mutter, sliding my feet into them, "Bye, Jacob.. I guess."

"Have fun." He walks from the kitchen doing a small wave.

Cory throws a bottle of cider into my arms before grabbing my hand gently and pulling me out onto the street. Naveed shuts the door and Jacob can be heard locking it.

"Guys, it's like 9pm." I groan as they start running.

"So? You go to sleep at like 3am every night." Cory shots back at me.

"Come on, Peyton. Don't be a party pooper." Riz turns, continuing to jog backwards while he talks.

"This isn't a party." I grumble, starting to walk slightly quicker.

"Yes, it issss." Naveed whips his head round for a second to smile at me.

Cory stops and waits until I'm behind him. He bends his knees and holds his arms up.

"Jump on if you're too lazy to run." He teases.

"Free transport. I'd never pass."

I jump on his back, wrapping my arms around his neck while his hands grip the bottom of my thighs. He starts sprinting and I hold my arms up, the cider bottle threatening to fall onto the floor.

"Wahooooo!!" I scream, opening the bottle.

"Peyton, that's gonna-" Riz starts, a small smirk on his face.

𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑻 𝑫𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑴𝑺, cory wilsonWhere stories live. Discover now