12 : Promise

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(𝐓𝐖 - 𝐀𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐞)

"Mum?" I shout, the door shutting behind me.

I slip off my shoes quickly, kicking them to the side before wandering into the living room. There she is, pulling a DVD off the bookshelf while having a swig of her beer.

Jacob is at the park, hanging with some of his friends and I had said that I'd look after Mum.

There are lines of cocaine on the table, a million put-out cigarettes and at least ten empty lager cans laying around.

"Have you been drinking?" I ask, stepping closer.

That was a very stupid question. Of course she has.

"What- what do you think? Huh? Of course I have! It's the only thing that distracts me from you." She slurs, dropping the DVD to the ground before turning to me.

"Distracts you from me?" I scoff, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You and- and... what's his name? Jay? John?"

She can't even remember her own son's name.

"Jacob. Your son's name is Jacob." I say and her face drops.

She moves closer, standing a little less than a metre away. She sways slightly before taking another drink for stability.

"I know his name." She spits, "I don't need you to tell me. You don't even fucking know what one plus one is. You're just that stupid."


"No. Be quiet. Your teachers keep-"

"Mum. Please, don't start-"

She smacks me, really hard. Harder than expected. I fall to the side, crashing into the table, my other cheek smashing onto the glass.

"You just spilt my lines!" She shouts.

I tense my jaw at her stupid statement. I attempt to push my self up but she pushes me back down. I fall backwards onto the carpet and she marches over, now standing thirty centimetres away.

I glance up and her face is different to usual. She's terrifying. She looks as if she is about to murder someone - murder me.

I can feel two bruises forming on either cheek and I scurry away from her on all fours until my back hits the wall.

She storms after me, her feet making surprisingly loud stamps. She has regular adidas trainers on and they hurt like a bitch.

She plants the first kick in my stomach, making me slide sideways down the wall. The second is in the same area and she repeats this several times.

And, for once, I'm not fighting back.

For the last time, she boots me in the nose, causing blood to run down onto the carpeted floor. I shuffle slightly to hide the stain so she won't get angrier and give me more bruises.

Nothing more is said as she walks away into the kitchen and I hear her open another beer bottle. I take this opportunity to run out the house, sliding my feet into my shoes, my heels sticking out the top.

I slam the door shut behind me, locking it with my spare key. I shove my hells into my shoes fully and then I look down at my body.

I push my back against the door while I lift my t-shirt that has blood stains on. There are four massive bruises, two on my ribs and the other two are lower down. I move to the side so I can see myself in the reflection of the window.

𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑻 𝑫𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑴𝑺, cory wilsonWhere stories live. Discover now