𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆. friendship problems

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chapter three
friendship problems


The next day, Missy walks down the school halls, her knuckles knocking on the pasting lockers, with a huge smirk on her face.

"What have you done?" Peyton eyes her suspiciously.

She clears her throat, shrugging, "Oh, nothing. Just got Cory to do something."

My eyebrows furrow, "What? Missy, if it's something bad, I swear to god. That boy has has been having a good-ish streak."

"Pey, stop worrying." Missy places her arms on my shoulders, "It's something simple and easy." She chuckles, "I'm sure he'll tell you."

"Sir! I didn't do shit!" I protest against Mr Bell, who had just seen me throw a pen across the classroom at Dan.

"Adding to the list, you just swore." He says, pointing towards the door and the class sniggers, "Step outside for a second, please."

I huff, throwing my head back while exiting the room. Instead of waiting for Mr Bell, I go for a wonder around the school, but I come to a slow stop when I hear Cory's voice around a corner.

I take a few steps forward, coming to a halt at the scene in front of me. Him and Nas are kissing, and I'm jealous because of it. Really fucking jealous.

"Cory, stop!" Missy screams, rushing past me and standing in front of the pair, "You slimy, seedy, lying-"

Cory's eyes widen as he pulls away and his eyes move past Missy and land on me, "What? Peyton? I—"

"Half the school knows what I told you!" Missy continues, grabbing his attention once more, "I didn't think you were gonna do it! You shouldn't have done it!"

"Missy, if you don't mind!" Nas raises her eyebrows.

I move closer, my lips pursed, "Yeah, I'd love to know as well."

"I told him to get with Nas so he could have me." Missy explains to me and my jaw drops. Nas is silent, just staring at Missy in disbelief, "You're lucky if you ever shake my hand, never mind anything else now." Missy snaps at Cory roughly.

"Missy, what kind of twisted fucking person are you?" I snarl and Cory looks at his feet in guilt.

"Yeah! Trying to get me off with a walking STD!" Nas agrees.

"Oi!" Cory hisses, but he's ignored.

"That's somehow gonna make you less of a slag?" Nas jumps off the windowsill.

"Why are you not in class?" Miss Carter asks from behind me.

"Oh," I turn slowly, "Hi, Miss."

"Peyton." She tilts her head sternly, she clearly wasn't surprised that it was me, "Missy? Nas? Right. Cory, you go to isolation. The three musketeers, come with me."

"Miss—" I begin.

"Peyton, no." She holds up a single finger, turning on her heel and we follow silently behind her.

We're sit outside her office, on the waiting chairs and I'm in squished the middle, tapping my foot in annoyance, while Nas and Missy are both breathing deeply beside me. Miss Bird opens her office door for us, calling us inside and we sit in the seats in front of the desk, waiting for her speak.

"What is wrong with you three?" Miss Carter asks, sitting down, "Eh? And what's Cory Wilson got to do with all this? I know, Peyton, that you're close with him. But you two. . ." Her gaze travels over to the other two girls in the room.

𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑻 𝑫𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑴𝑺, cory wilsonWhere stories live. Discover now