Chapter 2

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Kagayaku along with her mother and baby brother arrived at their new house in the city of Musutafu, Japan. It was a traditional styled house that belonged to her mother. Her mother's sister, her aunt, lives there as well.

In the end, Kagayaku's parents somehow found a solution to the situation at hand. Kagayaku didn't know what it was as she and her brother were told to go up to their rooms before they discussed the matters of her.

After a week, the three flew to Japan, her mother's home country. This was the first time Kagayaku flew out of country. It was a nice experience, having to see another place other than their suffocating house in America.

The beautiful month of May had arrived, and Kagayaku was already 5. Which led us to todays event.

"We'll be having a new classmate today. Everyone, Let us welcome her with a warm smile!"

The students that filled the classroom of Grade 1 grinned in anticipation as to who the new student was as their teacher guided a white haired girl inside the room.

Five years old Kagayaku stood in front of at least 15 children who were no more than a year or two older than her. The albino girl's face remained stoic despite the fact that she could feel her heart pound from nervousness.

This was the first time she had ever been the center of attention in public, naturally, she would feel edgy.

"Hello, My name is Nibui Kagayaku. Pleasure to meet you." The albino girl bowed as the teacher gestured for her to sit on an empty chair.

She scanned the classroom, only to find one empty seat beside a green haired boy. The freckles gorgeously decorating his face, his green doe eyes completing a shy and docile impression.

She advanced towards him, ignoring the stares of almost everyone in the class.

"Nice to meet you Kagayaki-chan! I'm Midoriya Izuku but you can call me Izuku!"

Kagayaku hummed and nodded at his warm welcome. Though Izuku didn't seem to mind the way she had responded seeing as to how his smile grew wider.

Class started throughout the day. Surprisingly, Kagayaku found it too easy. Not that she was being overconfident but she already knew everything her teachers were talking about. Her math teacher even made a mistake in solving a simple subtraction howbeit she didn't voiced it out.

Now you may be wondering why a 5 years old, who was supposed to be in pre school, attending a grade school class.

Before starting a school year, it was required to take examinations first. And she wasn't an exemption.

However the school was quite taken by surprise to see one paper that scored full marks. They called for this person, to which was Kagayaku, and they did another test for her. A more advanced one to clear their doubts.

She easily scored another full marks.

It was no denying the fact that this five years old effortlessly aced a middle school test.

She was supposedly to be transferred to middle school right now, but the school authorities could only ascend her to elementary since she was too young and needed to experience public exposure first and foremost.

The school bell rang, indicating that lunch period had started. Kagayaku packed her things and was about to walk out of the classroom until someone halted her from doing so.

"Kagayaki!" It was another boy, his ash blonde hair was in its spiky form, contrast to its soft texture.

"Eat with me!" He said, smiling smugly, slamming his hand on Kagayaku's desk.

"Ka-chan, I was about to ask her to eat with me too but you can join too!" Izuku smiled.

"You're the one who's joining me not the other way around, Izuku!" The ash-blonde then turned to the girl. "I'm Bakugou Katsuki! Remember that!"

"Mhm." Kagayaku nodded at him. Katsuki's smile transformed from a smug to a victorious one.




It had been a few weeks ago when Kagayaku first attended school and things were quite uneventful if she were to describe it.

"Aki-chan, do you want to go to the park with me and Ka-chan?" Izuku went to the albino girl and asked.

Kagayaku thought for a while. She didn't have anything to do at home until 7 pm for a programming competition that she had been eyeing for a few days now, So it should be fine.

The girl in question nodded. "Let's go, I-chan."

The two of them went to the school gate to meet up with Katsuki who left earlier than them for who knows what. And so the three of them made their way to a neighborhood park.

They eventually arrived at the said park. The two boys sat on the sand whilst the girl settled herself on a swing that was included right inside the sand box.

Kagayaku eyed the two who was enjoying themselves. "Why do you like building sand castles when it'll just be destroyed afterwards?" She asked.

"Because it's fun!" Izuku exclaimed, flashing a bright smile. He then went back to gathering more sands.

Katsuki looked up to see Kagayaku watching them build a sand castle with her usual poker face, like someone who's void of any emotion, only she wasn't, and Katsuki knew that but for some reason, he didn't like it.

As far as he could remember, he can read most people that were familiar to him like an open book.

But Aki-chan, a person he was suddenly drew in due to unknown reasons, was more than a closed book. She was like a chest that no one could find its key to opening it.

Izuku looked at Katsuki when he noticed that the blonde had stopped working on the sand castle they were currently building.

The greenette then slowly moved his eyes to where Katsuki was gazing at, Aki-chan.

"Why are you looking at me?" Kagayaku tilted her head a little, her face still apathetic.

"You know Aki-chan, I never really saw you smile even once." Katsuki said and Izuku nodded frantically at the statement.

"Smile...?" Kagayaku repeated softly, trying to remember if what he said was true.

And as if in realization, her eyes widened in fraction. Now that Ka-chan said it, she never experienced smiling. She didn't even know how to or what it feels to smile.

"...Maybe, it's because there isn't any reason for me to smile."

Izuku looked at the girl, saddened at what his best friend just said. "But there are many reasons to smile for. Like heroes for example!" Izuku exclaimed.

"Heroes, why?" Kagayaku didn't understand and maybe, never will. Why would you smile just because of some human who save strangers. She also didn't know why the concept of this whole villain and hero thing even existed in the first place.

"Because they fight for what's right and they make people happy by making them feel safe! They're so cool, especially All might!!" Smiling ever so brightly, Izuku went to his fanboy mode.

Kagayaku stared at him with a blank expression. How could he smile so easily? Was it because of the word hero? Or was it because of how heroes look in his eyes?

Katsuki who had been uncharacteristically quiet with the two's exchanged, suddenly cut off whatever Kagayaku was about to say.

"I admit! I don't get what's going on in your head that makes you see everything so dull, but—!" Kagayaku's undivided attention was now on the ash blonde. "I will be the first person to make you smile! That's a promise!" And once Katsuki makes a promise, he sticks to it.

The girl could only nod at him, though expressionless, somewhere in her heart she yearned for that day to come.

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