Chapter 1

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My name is Nibui Kagayaku.

My life has been so far Decent to me.

I live somewhere in the East of America. I am an only daughter. My family's not rich, nor poor. And as far as I know, father and mother gave me a fair amount of support.

About me?

I'm pretty much average as well. Height just like those of a 3 years old. Eyes that could only sees rainbows and candies. Heart that is full of purity and innocence. Mind vast of imagination. But there's something that made me stand out among the other three years old: Intelligence.

A fast learner. keen eyes that can spot every little details of those around and surrounding me. A good memory. Advance understanding— you name it.

I'm not exaggerating. It's just what I had observed from time to time.

Kids around my age tend to play at the park along with their peers, surrounding themselves with love and positivity, or watch and listen to nursery rhymes and cartoons, Lips in their usual grin without a single care in the world.

However I'm the total opposite.

Instead of people, I surrounded my self with books. Musical instruments were my friends. My face ever since birth had been set to neutral. In lieu to kids shows, programming and software systems satisfied my thirst for knowledge.

I liked it this way though.

However just like any of my age, I longed for Love and Affection from my parents. I didn't want them to feed and shelter me out of sheer responsibility, but as someone who is worth caring and cherishing for. But it seems too good to be true

I may be expressionless but that didn't mean that I'm emotionless.

Some might think that this gift of mine (being advance) is a blessing. But for me, it isn't.

I didn't like how observant I am, It made me apparent of how mother would always indirectly talked about how she wished for a baby boy instead of a girl: ME.

And it was like invisibly mocking my whole existence whenever father would always grunt about how he regretted marrying mother and having me and live a carefree life instead.

It was cruel. My mind may be able to logic their reasoning out, but my heart couldn't. Though I'm not good at distinguishing emotions nor do I know how to handle them, but this kind of treatment made me feel sick.

'Ignorance is a bliss' they say, seems like they were speaking of the truth, one way or another.

I could feel the hope in my heart slowly fading away. The light that never existed in the first place, gradually dimming.

That was, until a new life came. Nibui Komyo.

A baby brother, MY baby brother, an ally, a companion, a friend, a family!

My eyes that was so close to becoming dull, Shone.

The moment I laid my eyes on my baby brother, I immediately knew that he's my light- my purpose in this life. He was so small, his feet, his hands. Everything about him was adorably tiny, but the impact he had on my life just by simply existing was otherworldly.

Everything changed since then, well mostly. Although I was given less attention than I already had from my parents that they even forgot sometimes that I existed, I didn't mind. I spent most of my time taking care of my brother, and that was enough for me.

Just by having my brother's presence comforted me to an extent that I didn't know was possible. He was my light, my purpose, my string of hope.

In my mind, I no longer expected affections from my parents, though my heart said otherwise. All I needed to live was my brother.

It has been two years since little Komyo came to my life. Everything has been decent so far, but it seems as though life wanted to play a game on me.

Because the situation right now couldn't be described as decent in any case.

And though my face remained stoic, both my heart and mind were in chaos.

Father and Mother filed a divorce, howbeit I knew that this day would come, I didn't think that it would happen so soon. My brother's custody has been automatically given to mother as per law, since kids below 6 still needed a mother. The one they're discussing right now is my case.

"It's your child, You take her." Father said

Mother scoffed "She's also your child for your information."

"Can you even see that dead face of hers?! She looks just like you, It's disgusting!"

"It's not a matter of who she looks like. Well, I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand that. You've always been stupid after all."


Me and Komyo sat on the couch as our parents stood arguing. I was beginning to tremble, The sounds around me that was supposed to be words altered to this unbearable screeching noise. My eyes, blurry. I was getting dizzy. I didn't know what to do other than stay still.

I felt embarrassed and hurt. I already knew that my parents never really favored me just because I'm a girl, but they didn't have to be so blunt about it.

What's so wrong about females? why do people view them as inferior creatures when they can talk, walk, and feel just like males? Is it because of the ideology of our ancestors? That's just them having superiority complex. I really can't understand people like mother and father.


"She's only five. If the government or authorities find out that we let a minor that have direct blood connection to us wander then there's a chance that we could go behind bars, and I'm not planning on letting that happen." Mother mocked father for his lack of knowledge.

This was the first time I'm experiencing a direct fight. Even my supposedly above the average brain couldn't follow. I couldn't think straight. I felt so helpless.

I was so lost in my head that I flinched at the sudden palm on my cheeks. It was soft, affectionate. Looking down at my little brother who has been on my lap the whole time, he was smiling, giggling even as he rubbed my cheeks.


As expected, Just being with him calms me down. I could never imagine a life without my brother.

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