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WARNINGS: canon typical violence, chapter is a tiny bit edited. just a little

chapter one.

    The alleyway was dark, untouched by the light from the moon; the only reason Kazuko Nakamura could see the man leaning lazily against the wall was because of a dim and rundown streetlamp that resided on the main street a couple of metres away.  Unfortunately, seeing in the dark was one of the only traits he hadn't inherited from his big cat quirked mother. His dad's eyes won that battle, leaving him with regular housecat eyes vs a tiger's.

Seeing as the man had made zero indication to have acknowledged Kazuko's presence, he hung around the entrance of the alleyway. This was his first 'job' only taken on to relieve his economic troubles and he wasn't exactly sure what he should be doing or if the scraggly looking man was even the guy he was looking for, So he waited- Just to make sure.

It only took ten minutes of awkward fidgeting and wary glances, till he finally decided to approach very, very cautiously because, in the politest way possible, the boy kind of thought the man looked a little unhinged. With the long, messy hair draped over his face sadly, a scarf that looked like a single piece of long-worn fabric wound up 40 times around his neck and a black jumpsuit that, quite frankly, looked like it had better days. So yeah, he decided to be careful.

Once the boy stood a few feet away, and the guy still hadn't noticed him, he decided to speak up.
"Um, are you..?" Kazuko paused to search his pockets till he pulled out a crumpled note. Squinting at the sloppy writing.
"Mr... Aizawa Shouta?" He looked up at the guy, who had finally turned his way. He looked tense and on guard, causing the hairs on Kaz's ears and tail to raise.

"Hmm?" was all he returned. Assuming this meant the boy was correct, he continued.

"I've got this note for you, from...?" Kazuko paused again. He couldn't remember his employer's name.

"Baji." The man butted in.

"Ah yeah! That's the name, anyway, here you go." The blonde jutted his hand out with the note and watched as Aizawa slowly pushed himself off the spot on the wall. His sensitive hearing picking up at least four joints cracking into place as he did so. Kazuko cringed. The guy must've been stiff.

When he grabbed the note from him and opened up the small folded-up paper to read, the cat took that as a cue to leave, but before he could even take a step in the other direction, Aizawa's hand shot out and grabbed his forearm with a firm grip. Hissing, Kazuko spun around to try to bite the guy's arm. He almost succeeded before the other man gripped his hair and tugged back. Kazuko let out a surprised yowl, his head now aching from the force exerted. This man was a hero, the boy just realized.

"Did you read the note?" Aizawa questioned. His tone was lazy and his voice deep.

Kazuko tried using his free hand to bat at the man, but that too failed, the ragged scarf now wrapped around him restraining both his arms to his body. The man kept a firm grip on his hair.

"Just answer the question, kid." The boy met the scruffy man's eyes with a fierce but scared glare.

"No." Aizawa stared at the boy for a few seconds before asking another.

"Are you close to Baji? Do you know what he does?"

"No," Kazuko answered again.
"All Baji told me was to deliver this note to you and report back to get paid. That was it." Kazuko knew he had plausible deniability to protect him in whatever illegalities he's just caught himself in. At least now he could put those three years of Hero Law classes to use.

Now realizing the boy hadn't done anything illegal, Aizawa let go of his tight grip on his hair, leaving him restrained.

"Where and when are you supposed to report back to Baji?"

"Tomorrow morning, Eiji's Convenience Store on the East-side of Mustafu." Aizawa nodded before bringing his hand to his ear,

"You get that, Sansa?" He spoke, assumedly into an earpiece. Kazuko's ears perked at the mention of Sansa's name. He knew the cat-like officer. If Aizawa noticed, he ignored it.

"Roger, be there soon," he said, dropping his hand from his ear and making eye contact with Kaz. "I have to take you to the station for confirmation. Do I have to keep you restrained, or are you smart enough not to run?" Now Kazuko knew with zero doubt that he could outrun this man. He didn't seem to have a physical quirk, so he totally could if he wanted.

"If you release me, I will not run and allow you to escort me peacefully to the station." He said seriously, keeping direct eye contact with the hero. Aizawa sighed before releasing the boy's arms from his scarf.

Kaz immediately shook his arms out. The older man watching him do so. After a few seconds, the long-haired man placed his hand on the nape of the boy's neck and guided him forward. His hands were cold, causing a shiver to go run down Kazuko's back."Is this necessary? Your hands are super cold." The man didn't respond.

A/N: this is my first fanfic lol. i just like aizawa :]

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