|#16:happy Birthday!|

Začít od začátku

"hoping, byee!"

jimins ass^^

I got up and stretched my body softly, my eyes were still heavy because i am still sleepy.

but i dragged my self through the bathroom and washed my face, brushed my teeth and did alot of skin care.

I also took a good and refreshing bath for my birthday celebration, im thinking of what i should wear today.

i dont have any kind of classic clothes in my closet, just a simple pajamas or kind of comfy things. and my fave, socks.

i am done on my bath, put my bathrobe on my body and dried my hair.

while i was drying my hair out, there's a knock on the door and so i said 'enter'.

"hi honey" she was looking at me, i noticed that her other hand is hiding from her back.

"hi, what's that momma?" i asked and she come closer to where i was.

"oh this, here" she handed it to me, its a gift i mean its soft and its covered with a decorated bag.

"can i open it?"


i feel it, it's very soft not kidding. I opened the packaging and saw a great suit.

i took the suit and examined it, it has a blue flower at the top and its has a very good quality. It looks so magestic.

"do you like it?"



"just joking momma, i love it thank you!"

"your welcome honey, you can wear it now or Tomorrow?"

"maybe now"

"okay then"

"where did you get this?"

"i saw it on a website and ordered it"

"how much is this?"

"oh dont you worry honey, i want you to be elegant this day"

"hm, thank you again!"

"your welcome"

I hugged her and she hugged me back, she cares my back and Whispered some sweet words because she knows that im really nervous.

"okay, i need to do something. The party will start later at noon" she stated while getting up and fixing herself.

"okay mom"

"oh and please dont be shy later okay? Love you!" i dont know what she's talking about but okay.

"okay mom, love you too." i said, smiled at the suit in front of me.
"woahh" i felt my breathing stopped for a second, the suit that momma gave me earlier is giving me a prince vibes.

the destined mate|sope ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat