Extra ch.1

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Extra ch. 1 : It is indeed part of the story

"Dan-i~, Want to be friends?"

There was a bit of a pause from ham dan-i but
She accepted the offer.
"Alright! Let's become friends!"

At the same time, for once, everyone else in the bathroom have the same thought circulating in their minds.
'It's really smelly in here. Is someone taking a sh*t or something? Or did they forget to flush the toilet?'

That's right...
It was me! KONO DIO DA!
Just kidding, i don't want Dio to eradicate me for copyrighting.

How many years must have passed by now? It felt like time is moving slowly but in reality, a few minutes had just passed. I wished that time will pass by really fast.. Actually , I'll be glad if the author included this shame in the timeskip/ exclude this scene entirely from the story. Surely, the author won't reveal this shameful situation of mine in front of the readers..

As I was thinking about such nonsensical thoughts, I could hear several footsteps leaving the bathroom and some particular words that I was able to hear clearly.

"Is someone really......
How unhygienic."

B*tch it's not unhygienic, I'm just—ah Wait no, sh*t I need to focus or I might not get the incantation right.

I just have a really bad stomache right now. What do you mean by I'm taking a sh*t? I'm a girl, and it's only normal for girls to let out the bad energies from their bodies.
Just a little bit more and I could fire the strongest kame hame ha in here.

*After some more minutes.

Haaah. I was able to successfully summon a frightening demon. [tr: sh*t]
It was terrifying so I unsummoned it immediately [tr: fl*shed].
Then I wiped off the traces of the magic circle using a special legendary cloth I stole from the Hero. [tr: T*ssue]

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