Chapter 10- Revenge on The Treacherous Hero Killer STAIN

Start from the beginning

"I'm Izuku Midoriya from U.A. High School." Deku answers.

"You're who now?" The old man questions while holding up his hand by his ear.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya!" Deku shouts.

"So what's your name boy?" The man asks as Deku begin to get annoyed, but then the old man falls down once again. Quickly Deku rushes over to him and helps him up. "I could really use some food." The old man states looking up at Deku.

"Some food?!" Deku exclaims.

"Hm, Toshinori?" The old man questions.

"I'm not (Y/N) I'm Midoriya. Excuse me, I just need to make a phone call." Deku declares as he walks a little ways while taking out his phone, but the old man opens Deku's costume bag. "Hey, uh, wait that's my stuff!" Deku bellows looking over at the old man.

"Why don't you fire off an One For All smash at me? I wanna know how far you've come in terms in handling it's power... This is a pretty good costume. Now, where's that attack?!" The old man that was obviously Grin Torino Exclaims.

"But, sir-"

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Gran Torino asks.

"I'm here because I need to learn how to control One For All. I have to get so much better at it and fast... I'm also here because I don't know if All Might has much time left. I'm sorry, but I can't waste my whole week messing around like this, sir. I hope you'll excuse me." Deku explains as he then goes to leave.

"As I thought..." Grin Torino trails off as he then breathes in and bends down causing Deku to turn and look at him, but Gran Torino then begins jumping off the walls. Deku begins trying to follow him with his eyes, but then Gran Torino ends up above the door looking down at Deku. "It's time for you to show me what you can do, ya newbie hehehe. I watched the U.A. Sports Festival on television. The way you used your power was unthinkable, reckless. He's not training you well, he may be the Symbol of Peace and the number 1 hero, but All Might is a total novice when it comes to teaching. I can only imagine what a plunderer he is in the classroom... I can't stand to watch you use your quirk that way. So I suppose I'll have to teach... Now hurry and get your costume on!" Gran Torino instructs.

(To me)

Arriving at Miss Tigress's Agency people begin to rush over to us and began to ask questions along with praising me, but then Miss Tigress puts her arm around my shoulders.

"Alright everyone this cub of mine just got here so let's give her some space. She'll be with us for a week so let's show her some hospitality and a great experience, while she's here." Miss Tigress announces causing everyone to disperse and go back to what they were doing as Miss Tigress takes her arm off my shoulder and she begins to walk away causing me to follow after her. We come to a door with Tigress written on it as she opens it I see a tiger print decorated office. Miss Tigress walks over to the office chair and sits in it as I close the door behind me and she holds her hand out to the seat across from her motioning me to sit in it. "Let's discuss how this week is gonna go down, darlin." Miss Tigress insists.

"Yes Ma'am." I respond as I sit down in the seat.

"As you know my little cub you are interning under me and my Agency so you will be my responsibility. We will be going on patrols around the city everyday ad you are required to wear your costume and only use your Hero name, while we are in costume, got it?" Miss Tigress asks.

"Yes Ma'am!" I answer with a serious expression, but she then smiles.

"For this week you will use this room to sleep. The other door in here leads to a bathroom... I went on patrol while going to get you so for right now I'll show you around the Agency so you know everything it, okay sugar?" Miss Tigress questions as she gets up from her chair.

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