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It had been three whole days, Oakley and Michaela still hadn't spoken yet

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It had been three whole days, Oakley and Michaela still hadn't spoken yet. The man had been so busy he hadn't spared a single thought to their lack of communication. He was working on his collaboration with Marvin for pretty much all of the time he was actually awake.

Michaela however was using this sudden free space in her schedule to spend more time with her girlfriend, but this plan however had proven to be a bad idea. She thought they could use the spare alone time to catch up and just enjoy themselves in peace. Their busy lifestyles made it difficult to enjoy peace like that as often as they had liked. In theory, it was a great opportunity for the couple. But theory doesn't always prove to be right.

Michaela and Diana had argued more in those three days alone than they ever had and tensions were high. Di had cheated for the third time whilst Kayla was caring for Oakley back at his place and had decided to just tell her girlfriend casually. Stupid of her to say the least. Michaela trashed her bedroom in a fit of anger and broke the matching necklaces they had made on their first anniversary in a rage.
And on top of all this, Michaela couldn't even leave. Her sister was using the house for god knows what still and was instructed specifically to not come home, and of course, she wasn't speaking to Oakley.

During all the arguing and the mess-making, she hadn't thought about him at all; she was too busy being angry and breaking things for him to even cross her mind. But it being the third day of them not speaking it was catching up to her. They hadn't gone this long since they were approximately aged five and six and Oakley had killed her "pet" ladybug Angelica: she refused to talk or play with him for a week. They vowed to never do anything like that again yet here they were, giving each other silent treatment by accident.

Meanwhile, Oakley was taking his first official break from working since they started on the song. Marvin had to practically beg him to come with him on a walk up the high street just for some fresh air and maybe even a spot of shopping if it came to it. The boy had to keep grabbing him by the sleeve of his hoodie to make sure the man followed him, couldn't afford to lose Central Cee in the middle of South-East London.

"What's on your mind fam, 'n don't tell me it's the song"

Oakley picked his eyes up off of his shoes for the first time since they left and turned to face the other as he spoke. Truthfully, he didn't want to actually acknowledge what was on his mind, because he didn't think it would be there in the first place.

"Bro come on ion bite"

Marvin tried to lighten the mood, an obvious failure as the other kept his frown before and his eyes stuck on the ground beneath him. He was genuinely curious about what Oakley was thinking about. He seemed to always be in his head if he wasn't working and there was only so many things you could consider in a day. Complex as he was, you could read him like a book if you knew him well enough. Bless him he did try to keep up this strong façade but he didn't do a very good job of it.

"The girl innit, you ain't spoken in a while have you"

Oakley immediately stopped in his tracks in shock. The idea was out in the open now, meaning he had to accept and resolve the issue for himself instead of just pushing it to the back of his head and distracting himself.

"We can come back n work on the tune in a few days uno, don't have to be constant brotha"

The shorter man nodded, taking in what he said. He'd hate himself for taking a break but he knew deep down he really needed it. Breaks were never even considered for a second in previous studio sessions, he liked to work non stop until the job was complete otherwise he felt like he'd failed or not done the best he could.

"Calm your little head down yeah, I got to see my daughter too, you go see your gyal bro it's okay"

Despite what his head had been screaming at him over and over again for his whole life, he accepted the fact a break was needed. He decided that Marvin was probably the better one to listen to, considering he was in fact a real person and not just an imaginary voice in his head.

"I'll call her"

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