Chapter 8

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"Daddy!" Shay shouted. Heather jumped at the loud exclamation. And then she realized that it was Stetson the girl was referring to. She felt like a fool. Of course he was married. A guy like him didn't get to his age without being scooped up by some beautiful woman. But who is she? And where is she? She didn't remember Jill mentioning Stetson's wife.

She felt much more embarrassed about their earlier encounter given this revelation. Somehow it seemed worse that a married man had been the one to comfort her. Which was odd because they hadn't done anything wrong. Nothing about their conversation bordered on romantic. For Pete's sake, they were talking about her dead husband. She pushed away the awkward feeling.

"Hey, sweetheart." He leaned down and gave her a hug. The action was so sweet she nearly cried. That was the same kind of thing that Sean had done for Layla. She's missing out on so much.

"I like Miss Heather, daddy." Her heart softened at the little girl's admiration. Children were so easily won over. One of their best attributes and worst faults.

"You do?" he asked. Shay nodded.

"She's real nice. I want to meet her daughters." Stetson looked over at her.

"Maybe we can do that sometime." She sensed that he was questioning her and nodded.

"I know they would like you a lot, sweety." Shay looked at her as if she'd said something controversial.

"Even though I can't walk?" she questioned after glancing down at her lap.

"Of course! You're still you, right?" Shay said nothing. Poor little girl. She couldn't imagine how hard it would be to have to sit in a wheelchair all day. She wondered how it happened but didn't ask. It seemed too much of a personal topic.

"Let's eat!" one of the men called. They all made their way to sit down and she noticed that she'd been placed right next to Stetson. I hope he doesn't think I did this. Shay sat on his other side. After saying grace, everyone dug in.

Conversation flowed easily around the table. Nobody seemed to question her presence after Jill introduced her and she was thankful. She'd never been good at speaking in large group settings and, though it was only one family, there were over twenty people gathered around the massive table. It was like a huge family reunion and she couldn't help but be impressed. She never could have survived in a house with her parents and her siblings—not to mention their kids. Even if it was just for a dinner. There would have been too much fighting.

Stetson bumped her arm gently and she looked up to see almost every eye in the room trained on her. She could feel herself blushing under their scrutiny.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm afraid I was lost in thought."

"No problem. I was just asking how your daughters were doing." It was Kyle who asked the question.

"Good! They're both happy and healthy so that's all that matters." She noticed that Stetson had all of his attention on her. She shifted uncomfortably. Intense would be a good description for him. Intense and uncommonly attractive. She startled at the thought. Since Sean had passed away, she hadn't thought that about anyone. Guilt coated her insides.

Firstly because, even though he had passed away over two years ago, to say that anyone else caught her attention felt like a betrayal of the worst kind. And secondly, because he was clearly already taken. Or was he? She nonchalantly glanced over at his left hand. No ring. When she looked up, he was observing her with raised brows. As if to question what she found so fascinating about his plate where his hands rested close by. She looked back at her own meal as the blush crept up her neck. I'm so glad he doesn't know what I'm thinking. She could still feel his gaze so she asked a question, hoping to ease the awkward feeling growing inside.

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