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When I woke up this morning my hair looked amazing per usual. My hair was pretty unusual it is long and blonde. As I decided what I was going to wear I put on my makeup. I quickly contoured my face in about 5 minutes, filled in my brows, and did a natural eye look. The natural eye look goes very well with my blue eyes. I decided I was going to wear my black leggings with the mint green waistband from Pink and my white converse and oversized sweater. As I ran downstairs I had absolutely no time for breakfast if I was going to go to Starbucks. I think we all see the obvious choice here. Go to Starbucks. I go to Starbuck everyday. After I drove to Starbucks I got out of my car and walked inside. Once I walked in they saw me and already knew my order because I go everyday. I usually order Double Ristretto Venti Nonfat Organic Chocolate Brownie Frappuccino Extra Hot with Foam and Whipped Cream Upside Down Double Blended. It's pretty delicious for being such a simple drink. After a quick 20 minute wait for my drink I'm headed off to the wonderful land of school. I absolutely love school. Where else can you find cute boys. Obviously the answer is no where. When I walked in I went to my first class of the day which is fashion 101. The class is my whole squad.

"Kids you can go home. School is overrated. Have a nice day" My teacher said to us.

Wow she is so cool. Since my school doesn't believe in homework I never have any. When I went home I walked in the door and there was a person robbing our house. Well I mean he's very attractive so I will just leave him alone.

"Hi" I said to the mysterious robber as I walked by.
"Hello. I'm a vampire. You are my one true love" he said start at me.
"OMG! I'm suddenly completely in love with you" I told him.
"That's great see you later" he said as he ran out of the house.

Wow I just met a real vampire. I wonder if he sparkles. I hope he does. Well now that we are in love we should go get married. When my mom got he we orders pizza for dinner. When we sat down I decided I would tell her about my true love.

"Mom I'm in love and we are getting married" I told her.
"Well honey that's great. What's his name" she said.
"I'm not sure of his name" I told her.
"Well that's ok. When did you guys meet" she asked with a smile.
"About 2 hours ago" I replied.
"I'm so proud of you honey. You are growing up" she said tearing up.
"Aww that's so sweet mom. He's also a vampire" I told her.
"Cute. I ship it" my mom replied.

That night when I went to be in my tumblr room I dreamt about my one true love.

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